this is great news all of the girls together..i wonder what they gonna say coz they under dsp and i think they cant say much but it gonna be ateary eps for sure ...cant wait cant wait....
thanks dlskam for the translation iam enjoying ur videos choices...our baby want to mature and grow up , i dont think ur gyuri omma will let you you will always be her baby
wooooooooooow jiyoung is really popular in japan well kara is for sure...i want the shirt 2 ..reading how japanese kamilias want the shirt so bad make me feel sorry for them ..thanks for translating Yoo & hasomy
thanks for this YOO..iam always curious about the girls families especially hara ..after reading all the info i know thats why she astrong lil girl..glad she still have her grandmother who she love and her getting closer to her bro at calling her cousins unnie....
thanks for the tranlsation ...i want to see aclear pic of him ..go hara dont talk about her personal life much ...thats so sweet of her to take time of her super busy schedule to visit her brother....