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Everything posted by LoveHammy

  1. ahhhhh seungyeon in a drama would be so great.... sniff... oh wellz, when she gets back maybe? ^^
  2. yeah... i remember reading a lot of this info on other sites, but never had the full story all at once... this is why i love seungie :] stay strong
  3. cool i love watching idols speak english haha xD I didn't know nicole learned korean first o_O
  4. ah! so many pictures! so happy! ^^ Finally reached 100 saved photos of seungyeon hehe
  5. luckyyy why was seungyeon was sitting by herself?
  6. My hammmyyyyy~~~~ <3 the day that will never come....
  7. hahaha thats so funny. i mean, its not like she thinks shes fat... just pointing it out.
  8. those last two seconds was sooooo cuuuuute... and that was pretty awesome. flying hamster go!!!
  9. lolol what??? thats sooo random!! i cant imagine hara on a tractor.
  10. haha kara has been through wayyyy too much to not make it this far
  11. Haha nice. lucky man, lucky man. and dam nicole can cook
  12. omg yayyyy!!!! gooo karaaaa!!! This is the most emotional i've seen Nicole get. haha! Love Seungyeon <3
  13. Kara is getting so much more recognition now!! YAYY!!! also, nice new layout KH
  14. This was sad, especially since there were people on the youtube page commenting about how she's overreacting just because people didn't recognize her, but I mean, that's the whole point of this career and becoming an entertainer. She's really strong and it really makes me sad to watch her cry >:
  15. Jiyoung changed so much!!! and Seungyeon is fitting with everything
  16. Oh wow, I had highlights like she did xD hehe
  17. I think if sunghee came back going solo, she would do sooooo well....
  18. hahaha i sense love in the air... and seph493 you're not the only one... >.>