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  1. I'll go with option 1, She looks so natural and beautifull there, When I first saw that pic, I totally knew I was gonna choose that one xD
  2. She's one year younger than me, and she so can make her hips move xD I wish I had her hips hahahh
  3. They are so close, thats so cute.. And I hope that their friendship will last forever.. They're both soooo cute
  4. The way nicole moved in Lupin, was just WOW.. She had such a rithem and was so sexy !!
  5. Nicole always looks beautifull, whatever she does.. And that eye-smile she has will only make her even more prettier
  6. Not so much alike but still slightly, I guess it's the eyes, and kinda the lips.. But who could ever pass the goddes right xD
  7. Im so jealoss of her skin, I wish I had a skin like gyuri.. But I agree she looks better without all that make up
  8. I bet no one else can pull that look off except Hara, Omg how beautifull can she be, she's starting to make me jealoss xD
  9. Hahahh I like the one with the drive a stick xD And especially the first one Nice made, and up here the 'Wait.. what'
  10. Her hairflip is amazing,, Omg I wish I could have as long hair as Hara has, it's so beautifull
  11. I actually like her short hair when I first saw it, I think it still looks great
  12. As she said herself she does look very pretty without make up on, she's a natural beauty
  13. Her fits anything, whatever style it may be xD She looks good with both
  14. Wow I never noticed her big muscles.. She must be working out alot
  15. I saw this vid a while ago and I couldnt stop laughing on her reaction xD Priceless !!