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Everything posted by j0h4n

  1. Her figure is ok i think but she looks pretty and tall ^^
  2. Hara should go nearer the camera so she can be seen by anyone hahaha ^^ Or put more make up to look more attractive hahaha ^^
  3. She looks like a doll when i first time see her ^^ She is white and slim look like a doll ^^
  4. Jiyoung aegyo is so cute !!! i like it so much hahaha ^^
  5. Jiyoung always look cute no matter what her hairstyle hahaha ^^ Jiyoung is the best !!! ^^
  6. Hara looks more mature when she is not smiling hahaha ^^ but i prefer when she is smiling because she look cuter hahaha ^^
  7. hahaha hara always steal things when she is losing in the games or missions hahaha ^^ you should stop it hara because it is not sportive hahaha ^^
  8. Her immature jokes are so funny even i don't really understand it hahaha ^^ I hope she always has new immature jokes every new episodes ^^
  9. She looks cuter when she wears headband ^^ I love it ^^
  10. WOW i can know nicole up-to-date situation everyday ^^ Nicole is the best !!
  11. She looks so innocent hahaha ^^ Vetenarian is good things to learn so she can save animals and i am sure nicole must love animals so much ^^
  12. WOW Nicole looks so pretty !! Nicole is the best !!! ^^ I wish i can have one of the calendar
  13. I prefer Nicole to rap and sing in English because she will look more attractive ^^
  14. I like her new hairstyle even it make her look like a boy but she still looks cute ^^
  15. Even i am a boy i want to be the fangirl ^^
  16. cute and angelic smile I like her in her first impression. I just like her when i first saw her in KARA group hahaha ^^
  17. I like nicole when she smiles because i feel like i meet an angel hahaha ^^ i hope i can meet her someday and she smiles for me with her angelic smile ^^
  18. Of course nicole can be solo singer because i will always support her hahaha ^^ Anyway she always look more attractive in KARA group in my perspective.
  19. I want to buy the gloves and keep it as souvenir hahaha ^^ I will put on my shelves and wrap it with plastic so signature will not go off hahaha ^^
  20. Her habit always come out when she is nervous or she makes some mistakes but she looks cute with her habits hahaha ^^
  21. WOW Nicole always looks good with any hats that she wears ^^ Maybe she has good head shape that make her look good with hats hahaha ^^
  22. Nicole always show cute reaction with every correct answers !! I love watching it hahaha ^^
  23. Nicole looks more cute than she was younger hahaha ^^ anyway nicole always look cute with or without surgery but i believe nicole will not do surgery !!
  24. hahaha nicole looks so cute !!! Nicole needs to act more mature now because u need to grow up as well hahaha ^^ Anyway i still like your cute reaction !!
  25. Cute look is better than the sexy look !! Anyway Nicole always looks cute no matter how she express her expression !! ^^