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  1. i dont think nicole meant what she said as something serious. she probably just meant it as a joke. it would be a shame to hear it as for real hurting her feelings.
  2. i wish they did re airs so i can see it. but hope things go well for the best
  3. i think nicole is in it too im not sure though. i just hope that she succeeds and does her best and i know that she will
  4. hopefully the schedule doesnt ruin those who are waiting to see their other shows that come on during that time
  5. SNSD and Kara are a good groups. I know that tiffany and nicole are great friends as well. as well as maybe some other members.
  6. i love the commercial films. they are short because they are only like you know commercials like you see in tv. i wish that it was longer too.
  7. hehe this is really cute. especialy their commercial films are fantastic. all love them and hope to see more
  8. wow she is really great at it. very brave and strong of her
  9. i dont think she would skip class especially when she has guards, producers, or camera directors everywhere. i mean like cant those directors tell her to be on time and do something about it. or is this some kind of thing they want her to say on tv. I mean you guys record her everytime at least let her learn in her class.
  10. haha all the guys faces are soo priceless when she came in. they were like shocked that an angel came in. but im happy for her.
  11. yayyy your catwalk seung yeon is cute. its something that cheers everyones hearts
  12. hara looks really nice with her nice white outfit clothing. she is soo mature and looks good on her
  13. we know how you feel nicole when things like this happens. i know many of us have experienced at one point to be far away from the ones you love either due to a work or thing. but we know all of us are here to support you
  14. no matter how she looked back then and after surgery. i honestly say she looks the same as her young photo. but if this is something she needed to do i respect her for that but she still looks great
  15. i remember seeing this in family outing. i wish daesung could have gave his new number to jiyoung. she must have felt bad. i know daesung is shy but she knows that he likes and has a crush. at least he could have done was be nice and just gave it to her instead of to T-ara.