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About KokoroBeach

  • Birthday 11/10/1990

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    Kendo, Kenjustsu, Fitness, Paintball, and KARA KARA KARA!

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  1. Hi! Hi! I have not seen you here for so long. How are you now?

  2. Hey there guys, it has been awhile since I have been at Karaholic but now I'm back because I have news to share about Kim Sunghee! I am located now in Davao, Philippines and today during my job (tutoring English), me and my Korean student (male) ended up talking about Kara. His wife came by and joined the conversation and asked me why I first started liking Kara. I said it was honestly because of Kim Sunghee during the "Break It" days. Then to my surprise, my student's wife said that they met in person! She said she saw Kim at a Jehova's Witness "gathering". Apparently they go to the same church! She was sitting right behind Kim and her friends and mentioned how there was a different "aura" around our former Kara member. It was as if she was "glowing" or "shining" . Kim then went up stage and shared her life story and about how she made the decision to leave Kara due to her failing the college entrance exams and parent's pressure (which we already know). She also told every that she was married. Kim is a full fledged follower of Jehovah's witness and so is her husband. Her husband is also friends with my student's wife! Dedicating herself to more spiritual enlightenment was also mentioned. This gave me a total shock today haha. This may be old news already, but it was definitely a treat knowing my student's wife was *that* close to our Sunghee! Also that we met here in Davao, such a small world.
  3. Hi Friend! THanks a lot. I'm doing fine :D

  4. happy birthday :) haven't seen you around in a long time

  5. Thx a bunch for the link :D.

  6. Nice to meet you, thx for the add :D.

  7. at first, sorry for the late reply. about your request on Media Request box, pls check the thread again: ^^

  8. hi i am new

    wanna say hi

    and can u add me as ur friend

  9. danke...for the add,, lol