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Status Updates posted by Mrs.Ok

  1. I'm not celebrating christmas...

    But, Happy christmas for u ^^

  2. Omg... Thank u sweetheart ^^

  3. I'm doin' good...

    What's up sis?? I miss u, anyway #hugs

  4. How could i forget u sis... ^^

    How're u doing??

  5. It's okay..

    I'm happy enough that u did my request..

    U did ggod Hun.. Thank u~

  6. Wooahh.. u end it so fast...

    I just think that u would pictured how really frustated Hara can be..

    But it's okay.. It's happy ending anyway...

    Andd aaww~ they got married??

    Hehehehe... But why their parents divorce..??

    Once again, thank u so much for the nice fic.. ^^

  7. Sure i will..

    So u have to up date soon kay..??

    Like very soon.. hehehe

    I really happy that u fullfil my request...

    Thank u so much dear ^^

    And up date soon, will ya..???

  8. Or it just because he's drunk..??

    Wonder if Hara get pregnant, how their parents's reaction..

    I really love it.. So update soon please.. ^^

  9. Hi, I'm Vee..

    The one that requested MinRa os in AFF..

    But, because i don't have an ID in AFF,

    I couldn't write my comment..

    So i guess, i'll just wrtite it here..

    I really love it..

    Hara is sure an innocence girl while Minho look like a cold type.. Poor Hara got rape by her step bro..

    But do Minho really love Hara..?? Or it just because he...

  10. Sure i will Hon~~

  11. Uuhh.. How i supposed to say it..

    The forum is temporary close for awhile.. Because the staff want to full fill the forum first.. So the forum wont look empty when the new members join.. Sorry if what i said is hard to uderstand..

    My english is sucks..

  12. Yes i am~

    U too right...??

    Hahahaha... i just knew it..

  13. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  14. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  15. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  16. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  17. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  18. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  19. Hi Honey~

    Just want to tell u, a new forum of Karanesia..

    Feel free to join us at

    let's spread the Kara loves together...

  20. Thank u honey... ^^

  21. I will baby... ^^

  22. Okay...

    I'll be there...

    Btw how can i send to u my fic..??

    Via mail..?? Or what..??

  23. Yes, CSJh i a senior girlband of SM..

    But god, they're so underrated eventhough their talent is really something...

    No offence but Stephanie is the best female dancer out of all korean female artist..

    It's okay honey but i suggest u to check their mvs or pvs...

    And u still want to read my fics..??

  24. I see...

    Thanks for explained it sweetie.. ^^

    I remember now the reason, why i came to ur profile.. I want to ask, when do u planned to continue write from pattaya with love..?? Im dying to read it.. really..

  25. Sooo...??

    Somebody called my name..??? What's the problem hon..? Mind to telling me..??