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About PioneerLtTwinkie

  • Birthday December 16

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    Girl groups <3

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Kamilia+ (8/10)



  1. I was pretty detached to Kpop (busy with school and whatnot) during the time the whole process for selecting a new member happened up to even when Youngji already debuted. But I kept hearing good things about her on Roommate so I recently decided to check her out for myself, and omg I love her. I can say that Youngji really made me fall for her because of her character. She definitely works hard and is talented, no doubt about that. But she's just adorable and she's got quite a charm. And that silent laugh of hers gets me everytime . And most importantly you can see how genuinely kind she is. I think it's impossible to not be a fan <3333
  2. I'm pretty late in saying this but wow is she absolutely gorgeous and stunning and just too hot in Pandora's MV. I've watched it a couple of times and everytime, just like the first time I watched it, I concluded Hammie is the best looking member in the music video. The whole concept just suits her incredibly well. The hair, the outfit especially, just oh maaan I spazz everytime <3
  3. Soyeon, I haven't seen you in so long =( I hope you're doing fine! Happy Birthday! <3

  4. Happy Birthday pioneerLtTwinkle!

  5. I know I'm probably really late in joining this thread/spazzing but.. may I say that this is their best comeback yet? At least I feel that way. And it's incredibly special considering it's one after overcoming a contract dispute. Step is an incredibly great song and you can tell Kara has grabbed a good number of new fans from it based on those views on DSP's channel. More importantly, don't you guys think DSP is really "stepping" it up? They're doing better and I'm glad. It's about time they do a better job and we can see it's effects already. I just wish the promotion period was longer cause our girls are definitely gonna haul in a couple of awards on this one. Anyway, I couldn't be more grateful for Kara and their successful and powerful return with this album. Kara fighting! <3
  6. Wow. Just wow. Jing is absolutely absolutely, incredibly gorgeous. Watching those performances, she's just emanating some incredible aura and I'm completely mesmerized. That hair-length really suits her. It makes her look mature, though that's probably meant to happen considering she's growing up. But her beauty never ceases to make me fall in love with her over and over again. Aaagghh Jing is <33333 Thank you for sharing those pics!
  7. Happy Birthday! It's been a heck of a long time since we last talked but I still linger here from time to time =)

  8. I just hung out with a couple of friends for a while. Nothing too special. Haha. Yeah, it's all usually on the west coast! I don't know... It was just really amusing to see all of that panic and considering no building structures were falling, I wasn't too worried :P

  9. Hahah so what'd you do for your birthday today? Yeah I dont remember any major ones in the east coast for the past decade. And LOL really? I probably would have ran out too, being the paranoid person I am =P That's funny though hahaha.

  10. Thank you! :D That's good. Work hard. Heh. The earthquake was okay... It was weird since we're not used to those in Virginia. I was just sitting in the mall when it happened and I was so confused. LOL. Everyone else just screamed and ran and I just sat there and watched them all... xD

  11. Happy Birthday Soyeon!^^ I'm content with my schedule but there's just a ton of work to do. I'm glad it's all good so far for you =) And wasn't there an earthquake there like 3 weeks ago? Must've been scary O_O And yesss, well all of them are beautiful as always. Step and Date are my favorites.

  12. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. School just started for me too! It's okay so far. I'm holding up. How about you? OH MY, Giant Baby is amaJING. She's gorgeous. And I love Step! My favorite tracks are Date & Follow Me :D

  13. Soyeon!!! I miss you so much too <333 And it's your birthday tomorrow! It's been so long. How have you been doing? I've been busy with pretty much everything and school just started. Anyway, Step is so awesome! And Jing, of course she becomes prettier and prettier everyday. Gahh it's been so long..

  14. Ahhhhhhh. Yup. Just a little bit more. Wow, that's awesome! I wish I could travel during summer vacation. Actually, I'm going to go see the midnight premiere of Harry Potter tonight so I'm satisfied. Well...more like spazzing and going crazy. Yes! I hope they come back in Korea soon. Hope you're doing well <3