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  1. she seems bored and tired, take a break maknae we don't want you get sick
  2. haha so funny, i bet she is such a sleepyhead
  3. whoa she has 2 puppies she is so cute a puppy between 2 puppies:d
  4. she can really rock the hats. i think she loves them:P
  5. i really like her bangs:d any hairstyle suits her but a hairstyle with bangs:D
  6. she has a cute laugh but when she laughs she laughs boy ) maknae is cute indeed
  7. we could see her ears in lupin cause her hair was tied up
  8. she dances so good she is sexy cute elegant and more
  9. woa they really look alike but hara is more beautiful:d
  10. i can see that she tried really hard, it's good cause now she is in kara and she is giving her best hara fighting
  11. she is strong indeed:D even though she is skinny she is strong go hara
  12. i remember that, even tough is ok because they ended their song ok
  13. so i can see she loves hats:) i love them too:D
  14. she looks hot with both haircuts, with or without bangs:d
  15. she is fast, maybe she should go to dream team:d