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  1. I think this had been posted several times before with no answer... So here goes the same 'ol question... where can we watch this video? Are there any links at where we can watch the? DVDs? Anyone?
  2. Is it my eyes... or has Gyuri changed he hair color back to black??? If that's the case... Welcome back GODDESS!!!!!
  3. Okayyyy... where can we buy this? Is it available with english subtitles... ? Thanks for any replies
  4. what??? It ended already? Daymmmm.... any news of a DVD release? (with english subs)?
  5. I hope they release DVDs of this drama series..... they are sooooo interesting and funny to watch.... with ENGLISH SUBS pleaseeee...
  6. Do the DVDs (Kara Best Clips) have english subtitles? (Especially for the interviews). Thanks for any info
  7. what is the actual time and channel of the show? i usually watched it on XTM. And the show is not on today (4th April)? What happened?
  8. Yamaan, it ain't arrogance.... but gracious confidence.... :-) Hahaha... I thought it's funny how she does that 'I'm a goddess' routine... love it
  9. It would be wonderful if she does a solo project (while still with Kara). But she should dye her hair black first!!!! :-)
  10. Wow... thanks for sharing the pics... nicole is surprisingly beautiful without make up as well..
  11. Yep definitely sexy.... crazy sexy cool eyes!!!!! She can give that glaringly frightening stare as well... ohhh those eyes...
  12. I voted for Lupin coz of her strong image in that song. However, the pretty nice girl image from honey suits her too. A perfect girl. Anyhow, she's daym pretty and should look good in any image she could come up with....
  13. Nope no crack pipe involved. She is absolutely spot on when she says she is more beautiful with no makeup....
  14. What are you guys talking about? Even with that short hair, she could not pass as a man. Her face is too sweet and beautiful to be a man. Not even in Coffe Prince parody... Sorry
  15. Nope you are not the only one. I hate her blonde hair as well. Blonde is definitely not a goddess colour :-p