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  1. poor hara though she probably gets alot of bruises as well cos she falls alot
  2. She suits almost all hairstyles and she looks fine with any long hairstyle
  3. cute and adorable the santa hat realli adds to her cuteness
  4. calm and cool another side of the funni and crazy hara we love
  5. Sif she doesnt do anything in the band. She can dance and sing and shes very popular on shows
  6. omgggg soooooo cuteeeeeee its so...cuteeeeeeeeeee.....*meltss
  7. omgggg soooooo cuteeeeeee its so...cuteeeeeeeeeee.....*meltss
  8. her eyes are so captivating sooo prettyyy
  9. mm they both share similar features but Hara still looks alot better imo
  10. Wow she realli had determination to become a singer
  11. She suits both but i prefer brown
  12. Wow shes so lucky being friends with hyori
  13. she looked sooo cuteee and her eyes :0 reminded me of a manga character
  14. she realli can pull of anything soo cuteee always