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  1. Muahahahahaha!!! LMAO!! yeah anne, hilarious.. lol seungyeon shopping... Muahahahahaha!!! LMAO!! yeah anne, hilarious.. lol seungyeon shopping...
  2. the girls are soo dorky! lol esp seungyeon's one and gyuri's camera person on lol the unnis i'll look for my fav later
  3. she really can eat a lot Yo....... Seungyeon should be in a food CF....
  4. I love her with beanie too it bring out how small her face is ^^ and she just look soo good with it~! I guess we kinda know what to buy her once her BD come around lol
  5. okay i made my way here i love this pic cause she looks her age i wished she looked more like this..well maybe not the exact clothes but the feeling she usually looks really pure but i want her to look wild
  6. ahahaha <3 she looks like a child playing with some stuffs..lolz! she looks so cute anyways * thanks for sharing!
  7. awww if it was really her, she probably would of only went cause of daesung xD haha ROFL anyways its just a look a like ><" 0
  8. awww if it was really her, she probably would of only went cause of daesung xD haha ROFL anyways its just a look a like ><" 0
  9. haha they are such dorks, specially Jiyoung, she was like very excited, i think she had too much coffee, and Gyuri always giving her a bad look
  10. haha they are such dorks, specially Jiyoung, she was like very excited, i think she had too much coffee, and Gyuri always giving her a bad look
  11. waa.....I love Big Bang too!!^^ She is tall enough....166cm is taller than me....lols XD I love her image and personality... she is so childish and cute!!^^
  12. waa.....I love Big Bang too!!^^ She is tall enough....166cm is taller than me....lols XD I love her image and personality... she is so childish and cute!!^^
  13. haha the last one is the best it looks like shes planning on attacking hara or something
  14. shes still hot without make up haha i wish seungyeon looked had a wake - up face too haahh
  15. :[ i hope shes not angry at anyone :[ that would ruin her innocent image