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dlskam last won the day on November 12 2016

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About dlskam

  • Birthday March 18

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    Kara, 88-line

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  1. Here are the UMJ Limited Store Edition Photobook pics... http://www.karaholic.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19701
  2. Just wanted to share these lovely photos of Gyul from the UMJ Ltd Store Ed photobook... they are my fav...
  3. Here are some pics of the UMJ Limited Store edition if you are still considering whether to buy or not... it is worth it because there are 120-pages worth of beautiful photos !! Enjoy !!
  4. Did not regret getting this edition...a must buy! 120-page of beautiful photos !! Here are just some ... More on my bias
  5. [c]Vincent Malloy The number of photos in this new album makes it definitely worth to buy !! It's like a photobook with CD! Go get yours today!
  6. Thanks for sharing.. it is very reassuring to hear from the leader...
  7. Hello dlskam! Happy birthday! xD

  8. Love this hairstyle and the overall look !!!
  9. Some photos from 2nd Karasia - lovely screen caps.... [c]uploader