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About 박진건

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    대한민국 부산
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  1. That was my initial response, I didn't realize it until her friend told me...but I always felt she looked familiar, I just couldn't think of who.
  2. Her name is 고운 (Go-un) so her name isn't similiar to Hara ㅋㅋㅋ I figured everyone knew what Hara looks like which is why I didn't post any pictures of her to compare. After I met her she text me her Facebook ID (not I'm not giving it to anyone, sorry) and when I was looking at her pictures I was thinking "why does she remind me of someone I've seen before." and then the mystery was solved when we were out drinking. EDIT: This is her public Facebook photo, which is why it's okay for me to show it on a public forum, however her other photos are only if you are her friend so unfortunately I don't want to post those for privacy reasons ^^ 최승합니다
  3. I met her a week ago and it wasn't until I was out with her friend and they found out I liked KARA that they mentioned she looked like Hara and it struck me, I can see a resemblance. What do you all think?
  4. my god Lupang, 600GB! That is pretty insane, might be easier to believe if they were all HD but most live perfomances hadn't been HD until around the time Lupang came out (I mean the rips, I know TV was HD).
  5. I'm sure most of us are the same, we collect KARA performances. Actually, I only download the live ones as most the MVs you can obtain if you buy the MBC Sweet Muse Gallery. I finished sorting my external drive and realized I have 43.3GB of KARA videos. I'm sure this is nothing compared to most of you here, post the size of your KARA video collection, I'm curious to see who has the most.
  6. It's coming out today (1:47AM in Korea) I might ditch work a bit early to grab it, I'll post unboxing pics when I get home for everyone
  7. great pics but not selca because neither of them is holding the camera while the picture is being taken.
  8. for all the guys that would kill to date a girl with a waist like the background dancer...go to Korea, 90% of the girls on the street have a body equal to or maybe even better than her, I'm not lying.
  9. it's called 개미허리 in Korean (gae mi heo ri) Funny thing is a lot of guys I know prefer a body like Gyuri or Nicole rather than Hara but all the girls want her body.
  10. clear file is 콩글리쉬 (Konglish) which is slang for Korean English. A clear file is a clear folder that you can put pieces of paper in...I don't know if it has an English term... http://www.stationery-depot.com/pic/File-Folder/Clear-FILE-CLIP-20043787408.jpg something like that
  11. I don't know USD to be honest, but it's under $1.00 CDN per 1,000원
  12. http://www.synnara.co.kr/jump/fp/music/page.do?cmd=musicDetail&menu=1&prodId=M000280199_1&cateSeq=134 I am SO buying this when it comes out on December 21st...I was completely unaware of it 35,000원 for a calendar, diary, stickers, post cards, and a clear file. Not sure if anywhere online will carry it, this is the website for a Korean record store I visit often.
  13. hey for the gold coupons, does it have to be by per mail submission or we can just stick them all in one envelop? lol

  14. Be prepared to buy atleast 2 boxes if you want entire collection of just normal cards I'll be buying KARAdise this week, I've just been really lazy to getting around to buying it.
  15. k0uki, very nice collection. I'm assuming you prefer the Japanese over the Korean? ㅋㅋㅋ