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Everything posted by Caly

  1. Not you too!! XD haha you found me here!! :D

  2. Caly

    :D yup. sigh..sue more twitter then! then i'll get to see you more often! being too ninja isn't good at times! :D

    CNY was boring for me.. haha i stobned at home. haha.. how about yoo?^___^

  4. Hey!!! Can I ask you for a favor???

  5. Yeah yeah!!! <3

  6. :D see, sbox likes your name too. :D
  7. :D Some loveee to my haha! <3
  8. yiiipppeeee! I fell in love with your userid! LOL! Beeaaawwaarreee!

  9. yay! That reminds me! Ven! Change your name to the previous font! HAHA! Caly likes your previous font sooo much that i have to keep asking you change it back. :D

  10. Caly

    then i'll be the most free ppl lol. 4months worth of holiday! :D why are we talking abt me? Haha! Btw, you have to drop by the sbox soon! Miss talking to you. (:

  11. Study study study!!!

  12. I miss jiji>_______<

  13. Caly

    nah.. after that i have exams in may.. =(

  14. joss joss joss! <<<33333


  16. KARA's Kang Jiyoung Family Photo Revealed Japan's Fuji TV recently interviewed Jiyoung's father and in this clip it reveals JiYoung's family photo which include Jiyoung's parent, Jiyoung, and her two sisters. It is especially noted that as compared to her three daughters, Jiyoung's mum doesn't even look old at all with her young looking face and her beauty. The common reactions by the netizens :"The kang sisters are all so gorgeous!" " Jiyoung's mum looked so young and beautiful!" "The gorgeous looking family". On a side note, KARA came back together as five and their schedules have been resumed so to prevent the worst situation from happening. from: TV daily translated by: Caly/dreamgal_91@KH
  17. ah now i understand what you mean. Slow huh?? XD.. Any way i can make joss ship gabjoss so joss can be the goddess? XD the god and the goddess! :D no worries gabe, joss will ship gabjoss one day!

  18. :D i love it too. Haha but for one sec i thought you put yourself in the super advisor grp haha. Stunned me.
  19. what has goddess gotta do with jossben? Haha xD

  20. :o but gabe can see everything! Why white colour?? Haha i can't even see you on sbox!
  21. :D our godfather turned green! <3
  22. Caly

    :DD twitter is my life.. hehe! it's coming in 3 week's time! haha