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Status Replies posted by angel_sanctuary

  1. missing you!!!!!!!

    1. angel_sanctuary


      i'm missing you too bro.. lemme see if i can join shoutbox tonight XD

  2. She's going to be ok?

    1. angel_sanctuary


      she'll be ok.. i still don't know if she had bone fracture or not.. but i hope she'll be ok.. and only bumps and scratch on her face that is kinda have to concern :(

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. No. What's on Tina's FB?

    1. angel_sanctuary


      oh well.. she had a motorcycle accident , maybe you want to send some words to her like GWS :D

  4. understand your frustrations :(

    1. angel_sanctuary


      ahahaha thank you for your understanding.. i feel like a jerk among the kids really :P well the fact is they have changed not me... they already find their new path thats all , just disappointed cause they leave me alone =="

    1. angel_sanctuary


      wait until i got home >.< can't play youtube and office connection is really lame today

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. you have fb account? i have lots of FB friends here ..Kevin.Apple.Cann and many more

    1. angel_sanctuary


      sure .. just add me at Angel Sanctuary for the craziest and Febrina Fitriasandy for my normal account but not update much LOL

  6. can I see your youtube account of you playing Kara music?

  7. wow happy birthday tante :D

    1. angel_sanctuary


      thank you... baru baca XD