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About Jennica1231

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  1. Nicole because she's funny and I think she's fun to be with
  2. I hope they stay healthy I don't really want them to be so thin
  3. I think she looks great it suits her though with long or short hair she still looks cute
  4. I really like the emergency exit dance and hara being in middle makes it more sexier
  5. I watch their performance with lee hyori. I really like their song break it during that time but I didn't really care much about them until I remembered them like a few months ago then I watch their mv honey that's where I started liking them
  6. I love pretty girl and honey but my favorite is pretty girl
  7. 1st blooming If u wanna ~ 1st Rock u - such a cute song
  8. thanks for the translation haha tweety
  9. For me i think it's jiyoung...because she is adorable