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  1. I never thought that maknae would have so many earrings. thought it looks good on her, choosing the right earrings.
  2. oh wow. great gifts she got . and how nice of kamillas(?) to send the staff and G7 some gifts too. how thoughful of them Hara is indeed popular, korean fans are beyond the great. I think she's happy that someone is also celebrating with her and remembering her bday btw remember to always credit your source.
  3. I miss SungHee's beautiful voice, the energy bar around Kara, lightning things up. The way she plays with Gyuri like she's Gyuri's daugther. it's really cute. Her dorky ways her bright and cheerful personality, I miss her
  4. lol it's funny how dorkie she is, I never thought that she was this dorky. I maybe thought it was her hyperness or so. but this is all over the top, she's getting glares from Gyuri unnie and yet she's taking it positive and keep having fun. she's cute though
  5. When I first saw the emergency dance, the first thought that hit me was that "that's similar to Hara's dance moves" like something that she would do. I wonder if it's she who invented that dance lol
  6. First it has to be the butt dance of course!! and then the break it dance wasnt that bad. and the last would be emergency dance. I like it, it's fresh and new and it looks like a dance hara would dance lol
  7. they are indeed more mature KARA. from what they have been mature to now. I see the most difference in Seung Yeon who got her hair chopped off, same for Nicole. LOL They have matured a lot, I can see from their make up and expressions. also their choreographies! it's amazing. and they're already making a trend with Emergency exit dance LOL that's the hightlight of the whole dance! I thought it was about time they moved to a bigger dorm . They would get the privilege they needed for a while back. It should've been like that from the beginning! Geez. I guess 2010 is KAra's year too.
  8. LMAO! That's a funny story, lol. the admin should have checked the IP though. but then again, if you type like that. I mean there would be fans pretending to be her, so yeah I guess the admin would feel awkward!
  9. I think with a cute face of Seung Yeon,s he fits better with long hair and more mature with it. with short hair I have no comment, maybe I will change my mind when there's comeback
  10. hmmm. it's a hard choice since they have mostly collaborate with the most artists. But BEAST would have been great to collab with
  11. oh wow, it feels like it's not been 1 year at all. time has sure gone fast. and the way karaholic started out, became the 1st source in kara's news. you must be proud and happy Happy 1st anniversary, KH ^^ keep on working hard and show them their love as you always do
  12. I've noticed that she looks really beautiful these days, she has grown up a lot for the past 10 months. her swan appearance is here (not that I'm saying that she wasnt that pretty before, she was just cute) she kinda glows now
  13. that's really great! finally Kara gets MTV show but a different one compared to the other. It's different but asian style of Paris Hilton's in search for my new BFF? OMG a TRip?!?!? So dead jealous here lol I wanna come too hehehe thanks for sharing
  14. lol I was going to post that! hehehe it proves that they know each other, but it doesn't mean that Hara was a JYP traineer (people still think so)
  15. yay congrats to them! they're the first girl group who gets to be MC on the show!!