hardcolefan Tuna

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Posts posted by hardcolefan Tuna


    You guys have similar smiles ; u ; <3


    On the other hand tho, I don't want to post my selca with the idol(s) I look alike xD I'm sorry ><

    But anyhow, I have this certain angle where I look like Gongchan because we sort of like have the same eye-shape, I guess? XD

    And meanwhile when I'm smirking, my friends would tell me that it's almost similar to the way Jiyoung smirks ;;;;


    Why? You should post it hereee  :gemnoway:



    Nice thread! Yeah You do look a little bit alike (: Jawline, smile^^ I'm european but I've heard a few times that I got some small asian related features. Will look into that^^


    Hahahaha, thanks.. I thought they we're joking lol

    Share your selfie hereee  :hyper:



    my sister once told me that i look like mong ryong (?)

    the problem is i don't know who that guy is


    That's become my problems too hahahaha.

    Ask her, and post your pic here pleasee  :teary:



    My friends told me that i look like Goo Hara ^^ even if i'm not asian..


    Awesome! Share your pic pleaseee :shining: