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Everything posted by arm418

  1. jiyoung pics now or in past is beautiful she didnot change but grow up to more cute girl i lovin ot thank you for sharing
  2. i love to see her in this show cause she make different in kara and can make every one laugh thanks for news
  3. i think hara have many celeb friend she in girl group sure she knoe many celeb in girlgroup thank you
  4. hara likr her band she can make it best and let belive in her i will sheer it
  5. she have a sport skill she can do it best and if she pratice i yhink she good thank you
  6. i think she very cute and her face is beautiful this make me crazy of hara thank you
  7. i donot wanna see her tears make me sad too and i cry wiyh her let be strong
  8. i think she can speak english but i never see before i wanna see it belive she can do it best
  9. these two girls are idol of girl group i like to see her stay together thank you for news
  10. she is the best leader in my thiking she can show skill of leadership and let every one goes with her
  11. i think she the one strong voice in group and she can make every belive in her thank you for news