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About alphine

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  1. those big eyes of hers can really be quite pressurising. but i could stare at them forever. wahahah
  2. she really know how to move~. love the long flowing hair waving around when she's dancing
  3. she looks really cute in the first pic... but in the second... she looks like she's totally stoned
  4. lol. she looks like she's sleepwalking in the first pic, and waking up in the second. hara looks way more alert than she is. lol
  5. she looks like she's about to fall asleep in the first few pictures but she still looks great. XD
  6. ahh i wanna keep pets as well but allergic. she looks so loving when she's with her dogs
  7. she truly is might hara after the chuseok special when she nearly owned everyone else. hahaha
  8. she's simply adorable.. especially during chuseok special when she heads to class
  9. the variety show is the best! get to see kara all the time. what more canfans ask for~ Attention during nicole's airtime is 100%. nicole
  10. darn.. the photographer must have done lotsa good deeds to be able to take a picture with nicole. she looks really cute in the picture
  11. this thread makes me hungry.. she soo cute.. thanks for the pictures~
  12. this thread is worth bookmarking. heh. nicole looks absolutely adorable with or without hats.. haha
  13. wow, surprisingly more fangirls than fan boys. interesting. lol
  14. the dance was good, but her butt shaking's better. heh. overall it was a good performance.
  15. to me, nicole is definitely the the sexiest in the group~ nicole~~ loves ^^