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ultraman88 last won the day on January 17 2014

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  1. Either the PD or the writer is definitely a closet Kamilia. Puhahahaha
  2. Man, I know Gyul is short but that woman is like??? How tall is she?
  3. She is not Hara's mother. She is just a very good and long time fan.
  4. Kamilias on Karawa are doing Korean text work first. I tink ep. 1 through 4 are almost done; they posted it. I hope someone can do the English translation? They are really long, like really.
  5. ***** http://karawa.kr/bbs...d=165611&sca=플짤 ^^^^^^^ For those who can understand Korean, here is all of the raw episodes of Hara's On & Off. It's at Karawa. Ttodory, the famous K-Kamilia made it. You can only see it on this page (see below). It's a player and has all the espisodes, just click on one of the bottom eight images for each episode. It has really good resolution and the sound is perfect. And the player has full screeen mode as well.
  6. OG was a trainee at Key East management when RiSe was also a trainee there so she knows Rise. And Gyuri knows Rise from the show Great Birth star audition. Gyuri even visited Rise at her home in Japan so she even knows Rise's mom.
  7. Kara - "Don't Hurry" Japan Single [Mamma Mia] Ver C side B Fanmade Awesome version
  8. The big 4 gig file for the showcase is up on the data room at Karawa.kr. It's a torrent seed. Where should I post it? Or, if you have access to Karawa, go there.
  9. A female warrior type (preferably a scifi version). Maybe a mecha related.
  10. For me, an unplugged stage. An intimate but semi-large studio with audience. No dancing. Five mic's and a full band including string and horn section And the girls. Re-arranged songs. Break It Magic Mister Way Love Is Runaway Damaged Lady In the Game Live Mamma Mia Story Only For You Baby I Need You Do It! Do It! Hanabi
  11. Ranking of 57th for the weekly TV videos at SOHU. Ranking of 46th for all of the most recent releases for TV videos at SOHU. Ranking of 5th for the weekly Korean Drama contents at SOHU. Ranking of 5th for the most recent releases of Korean Drama contents at SOHU.