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Everything posted by EpicPandaGod

  1. ^ What you talking about???? But back on topic, HAMMIE~~~ Just thought that this picture is plain cute~
  2. *Sigh* This is a reality, sadly. Kinda sad after hearing this. Honestly, South Korea needs like some kind of idol school. Japan has those things, South Korea needs one. It saves idols from getting unwanted attention.
  3. I saw this on Radio Star! Lol couldn't stop laughing. It was just too funny. Her and her hammie dance
  4. I like all her looks but her "hot" look is the best in my opinion
  5. Lol her eyes were so big! I found her on City Hunter and thought she was kinda cute so I searched her up. Then I saw her audition tape for JYP and went THAT GIRL CAN DANCE
  6. I never actually saw any fat in her 0.0 but she has such a nice body *0*
  7. Well the eyes are certainly both huge....... but not really from the second picture she looks like Hara but if you had a different angle then probably not
  8. I really would love a World Tour from them For some reason though, lots of companies never assume that the east coast of the US even exists -.- Have a concert here~~ I would love it
  9. Well...... I'm seungyeon biased so....... SEUNGYEON HAMSTER ~~~ I just love her eyesmile~~~ Hara and Nicoles' are really pretty too
  10. I seriously love her eye-smile, it just makes her smile even more beautiful plus she always smiles like she's extremely happy at everything~
  11. I think she was pretty in her teen year. She didn't seem like she was ready in the first picture lol
  12. Mochi - she has cute mochi cheeks Cute - <---------- pretty self-explanatory Daebak - Her voice, personality, humar are all DAEBAK
  13. I like her cute Hammie side better but she looked really pretty in the Guilty MV, the gothic rocker image was so good on her