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lσνәaстισи last won the day on September 24 2016

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  1. Well, I think ...I'm going to reply here Here is a stage compilation since debut era. I strongly recommend you to watch KARA's Miracle Story to know more about the group. You can find that and more stuff in this masterlist: http://karaforever2903.blogspot.com/ Dramas you should watch? Secret Love and Urakara. While some of the classic variety shows with kara members are...maybe Heroes (nicole appearances) or family outing (nicole, hara and jiyoung appearances), even though there are many more...
  2. Orphan black #1 RAW https://drive.google.com/file/d/1huNkZq8YdpsJVCGYnWm6i_KdAxNNhDj1/view
  3. Such a confession! I can't blame you for loving hammie So yes, Nicole is spending her time in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona,Sevilla...
  4. Historical-Geographical Review . Sounds great, bru. That's pretty true, she has a lot of free time, which is great. We miss the old times but...whatever, it's life xD.
  5. Does she have any upcoming projects? Ey, tell us about your experience there!
  6. Having short hair has become a trend even haragu cut her hair. Nice to see this thread is still alive and updated.
  7. I only watched some cuts but it looks fun as hell I'm planning to watch it soon. @Haemi-mancer this?
  8. Glad to see this thread alive. What were your impressions of age of youth?
  9. yeah!!! Hara onnie came today to watch my first stage! Thank you so much onnie #SweetCharity#chu https://www.instagram.com/p/BKs-zIcj5dc/ cr @yooniqda_
  10. But the point is...she wants to continue her career as a solo singer, push her acting career...? her career as a singer has ended? someone clarify this.