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Everything posted by kara0gisbae

  1. RT @rapgodyoungjae: Youngji got a chair for Hara

  2. RT @hyjiiiii: #KARASIA2015きのうの あつい ふんいきに かんしゃしました♡어제의 뜨거운 분위기 감사드려요♡ https://t.co/c5875nSn7O

  3. RT @cherry32401: ぎゅりの事何か支えてるハラ好き

  4. RT @smk9397: 도키도키~♡♡#got7#니가하면#mad http://t.co/elDsfBvHrL

  5. RT @uieuiecheonsa: Two types of GOT7"Buingbuing oppas""OH DAMN SO HOT OPPARS I NEED TO CALM OH DANG LOOK SO HOT IN BLACK" #GOT7MAD htt…

  6. RT @sugisan003: 今日の横浜3日目、ギュリのご両親とヨンジのご両親が来ています!(^-^)/

  7. RT @moontosphilic: youngji probably is more well-known than most of u netizen

  8. RT @Koreaboo: 10 MV Couples Who Could Have Been Dating In Secret -- http://t.co/wD5jevH950 http://t.co/M2xGus8lLa

  9. RT @ekbird: KARASIA 2015 オープニング~サンキューサマーラブ https://t.co/mnyrS5HmnG @YouTube 님이 공유

  10. RT @hyjiiiii: きょうは Number 3 でした♡♡ https://t.co/HqHMamDik8

  11. RT @nadinexxxsol: if you're going to call someone ugly,atleast be cute. dont know where shes getting the confidence.im seriously amazed htt…

  12. RT @youngjioghurr: This is the final round, please vote for youngji