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About ahchoomattchu

  • Birthday February 13

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  1. Gyuri looks great with the blonde hair! Can't wait for the comeback!
  2. Thank you so much for sharing! Two of my favorite idols performing together!
  3. I absolutely love Gyuri's personality. It's the way she handles herself around others that actually makes me like her the best among the members.
  4. I think Eunhyuk would be the best out of the bunch. I was able to see him in person at SMTOWN 2010 and he's a really good looking guy. hahahaha
  5. I think Gyuri would be really good on We Got Married, especially if she's partnered up with someone who can match her wit. I also want to see her guest on Heroes with Nicole.
  6. Blonde Gyuri is gorgeous! I can't wait for the comeback + new concept!
  7. Thank you very much for this topic! It was very revealing to share those accounts with the antis, and I'm proud of the members with how they dealt with adversity. KARA <3
  8. Here's to a speedy recovery, Seungyeon! Health must always come first, we must be patient for the awesome comeback of KARA!
  9. I wish I could go to that festival! I missed out on the last time KARA was here in the US for the Hollywood Bowl =( Hopefully they make another visit soon..
  10. My two favorites are Lonely and Lupin. I think I like KARA best when they're singing slow songs, and Lupin was just an amazing track!
  11. The Goddess Gyuri! When I think about it, I think I actually relate to her the most. I am most satisfied with my result!
  12. The one word on my mind right now is HARDWORKING. And I'm so glad that they are! KARA <3
  13. From the Sunghee days: "못 지킨 말 (Broken Promise)" The current KARA: "Honey" and "Lonely"
  14. When I first heard of KARA back in 2007 with If U Wanna, Seungyeon was the first of the members to capture my eye. It was with her eye smiles, too!