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well you guys both have been a great help anyway really appreciate it ^^
btw whats your tumblr name?
hi, thanks a lot for keep updating the nicole's twitter thread
ah i usually use gomplayer, but other people also usually use capture feat in powerdvd etc
oh nothing personal, pls don't call me beb, just Nov
i usually still use ps cs5 or photoscape
aww thanks
oh hi thx for stop by
yes its my failed attempts to make gifs ^^
thank you vennie ^^
makasih ya ucapannya ^^ i'm getting old @_@ hahaha
lol you hating on Nicole? haha it never crossed my mind
don't worry, i should be thankful you now translate the girls tweets too ^^
hi ^^ here's the link for that nicole's gif
lol its ok ^^ hi anky long time no see
o gitu, enak donk kerja disana yach >.< sapa tau ada idol lewat hehehe rencananya berapa lama disana?
pengen sich nonton konsernya yg februari, tapi liat sikon dulu ^^
o iya, kalo tiket ke seoul berapaan yach? mahal ga akomodasinya disana?
o iya, happy new year juga yach ^^ read that you live in seoul now...JEALOUS MODE ON!! do you got a job there or lanjutin kul?
ah i see ^^ so you finished your final test before? congrats dech ^^
haiya yuda back in the house ^^ i'm baik2 aja, how about loe? hehehe
hey, sure just use it, no need to credit etc
hola, nothing much XD how are you? busy much ^^
congrats for your graduation meme ^^
Haha yeah that had nothing to do with my birthday (i wonder why my parents named me that way too LOL)
Hi, thanks for the greets ^^ hope we could talk more later
ah really ^^ ?? So we're chingoo then XD
hi melukia (Meme right?) thanks
LOL thanks yuda, yep its been 1 years haha...time really fast
hi raden, happy bday
getting old huh LOL, love your comics btw
haha yeah, but still great observation