KARA (Youngji) singing cuts 2014 [HD]


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From the MV you won't even notice she had more than 1 line LOL,  :gemsorry: 
But yea, I've said this already somewhere and I think her voice is pretty strong,
Having a stable voice like that while doing 'rapapari' dance is harder than we all think LOL  :gemhoho:

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back to Kara Project she had complained with her voice and singing skills.

I think she is not that bad tho.


But i still think she can't catch Nicole with Old song.

The Old song like Lupin and Step are made for Nicole style she won't do it better.


I Think when They Trust her more she will shine much more with her true voice.

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To be honest, I didn't know there was a Korean version of Go Go Summer. The lyrics sound weird to me since I'm so used to the Japanese version. But I agree, Youngji has a wonderful voice and I'm so glad she's in KARA where she will be given a chance to let her talents shine.

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