Which KARA Member Would You Date?


A date with KARA  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Which KARA member would you take out for a date?

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Imagine you won a contest and your prize was to choose any KARA member and take her out on a date.

It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl. It could be a romantic dinner or a shopping spree!

Share what you would do or where you will take your chosen KARA member!  :gemcheer:

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The word "date" to me typically stands as being in a relationship with someone, and I'm not even single so it's not a possibility lol :P

In terms of just hanging out with any KARA member for a day though, I would probably pick one of Nicole, Gyuri or Jiyoung, and would probably ask the one who I was with what she at least doesn't want to do/doesn't enjoy doing so figuring out where to go and such is easier and not as boring to whichever of the three is with me :>

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So Jiyoung is really playful and I feel like we'd get along well lol (maknaes ftw) I'd take her around the town and take pictures of scenerie that she likes and of course her lol. I'd take beautiful candid shots of hers and make her feel really comfortable, like she's just hanging out with a very close friend. I think she would enjoy it and find it simple yet romantic... hopefully xD

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:claps:  hanging out (not dating) with all or any of the KARA members (former & current) would be a great dream come true for all of us overall....they would make any social gathering or outing more exciting and memorable...great job posting this voting poll...


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If its only a one day event for hanging out. Well I would choose Nicole or Seungyeon. Nicole for a picnic in a nice park somewhere, feeding each other with bread toasts made by Nicole herself :D Seungyeon for a romantic dinner in some expensive restaurant. Imagine her wearing a beautiful dress with that long hair of hers, sitting opposite of me, staring into my eyes, smiling sweetly, oh yes.... my fantasies lol. 

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sung and i will bring her to karasia. she is a part of us and she needs to see the whole of the family and vice versa.

and after mission accomplished, i will ask for hammie!

Edited by red4summer
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Well, I would choose Jiyoung, ofc. Because I fell in love with her since I was introduced to KARA  :gemflower:  But I made a quizz and my date would be YoungJi, so, maknaes for the win lmao



Nicole would also be a choice cause she was once a maknae xD

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i choose Hara because she's just so sweet and beautiful and kind... We could go shopping together (OMG!!! >.< Just imaging that make me chill)

O.O Shopping with Goo Hara would be the ultimate dream~ :geminluv: I'd gladly max out my credit card for her

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'd probably date Hara. She seems so chill. I mean, Gyul is my favorite member but I think Hara has got a cool style and a level head, and a chill sense of humor. I like that. 

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What a great situation to be in!!!  I would be so happy with any of them, and might be influenced by the most recent beautiful, sexy, sweet photo that I saw.  The choice is even harder when we bring the former Kara members into the mix.  I suppose that I might pick first either Young Ji or Hara, but I bounce back and forth among the others, as well.  Maybe I would spend more time studying what they look like with no makeup and trying to decide who is the most natural beauty.  If I could understand Korean or Japanese, I'd have a better idea of their personality and intelligence.  But for such stars, they are probably all great.  I might pick a different date depending on my mood for the moment for fun, sex, intelligence, beauty, friendliness--I have no idea how I would end up.  


Actually, in the real world, I'd most likely select Seung Yeon or Nicole because they speak English.  Or Ji Young if she speaks English.  Or any of the others if they can speak English.  Otherwise it would be a whole day of smiling and sign language.


I can imagine a day with a casual meal and a long walk along a private beach, sitting and writing on the sand, talking, enjoying . . . angling for doing this on lots of days and not just one.

Edited by david22
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I picked both Hammie and 0G because I can't choose >///////< of course Youngji is closer to my age (she's like a month younger than me) but Hammie~ I've been in love with her since day 1 I became a Kamilia. I adore her personality and her lovelier than lovely smile <3 but then again I also love Youngji who also has a lovelier than lovely smile~


(Today on Erina Has Issues)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why I found this discussion really interesting lol.

I was imagining myself as a guy when answering the poll, so I chose Jiyoung! She looks like the type with a cheerful personality and loves to laugh... Who wouldn't want to spend their day listening to her cute laugh? Plus, her beauty always blows me away... <3

But if I answered this poll as a girl, just like most of the girls here, I think I would choose Hara! I can imagine going out shopping and doing all the other girl stuff with her would be really fun! & oh it might be fun too to go pilates, yoga, or exercise with Nicole haha.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd definitely pick Gyuri haha. Its probably because I'm very biased but I just think we could have fun together since we seem to have compatible personalities. And she's so cute you can't really resist giving her whatever she wants (well thats how it is for me hehe). 

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