Karaholic Café Regulations - ShoutBox Rules


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Karaholic Café Regulations:

I know rules can be quite a pain, but these are necessary to keep our café clean and friendly for all. Do follow them, but be sensible as well, you should know better what you should and should not do. We hope you have a great time at our café, and we hope to see you come again (:

P.S. Failure to follow rules may result in a direct ban from the sbox.

*You now require at least 10 posts before you are able to use the sbox.

01. Don't just camp at the shoutbox.
We know the shoutbox can be very fun and interactive, but don't let it be the only thing you're active in. We are after all, a forum, a community that engages in active discussion by posting and sharing. We want to have contribution from all of our members, we want to hear what you have to say. So don't make it a habit to loiter only around the sbox (it's only there to enhance your Karaholic experience), post on our forum too. We hope to hear from you soon!

02. Be careful little mouth, what you say.
-Mutual Respect: Respect others. We are a community, we are a family. So don't start up some drama over here, be nice to each other, and you're safe.

-No Bashing: Again, respect. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all. We don't mean that criticism isn't allowed, there is a difference between criticism and bashing, there is a distinct line between saying the truth (with tact), and outright hating. Be sensible, ugly words aren't pretty to hear.

-No Vulgarities: We do not wish to hear these coming out from your mouth (or hand for that matter). Please be nice, and others will be nice to you.

03. Post only in English.
We may be an international community, but we are also an international community that operates in English. We want everyone to understand us, so please use English to communicate with each other.

04. Don't post direct download links from Karaholic.
Do not post out ours or others download links anywhere. To be given access to our downloads area is a privilege one has to earn, so do not take our links out and steal ours or others bandwidth.

05. Don't link us to vulgar sites / pictures.
We are not interested in any of that, so don't even try it.

06. Do not spam.
-Multiple one-word lines: Don't flood the sbox by typing word by word and entering.

-Limit usage of big emoticons: Keep your usage of large emoticons to a minimum, it looks terrible on the sbox. You can use them on the forum, but on the sbox, it's best to bypass that altogether.

07. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, Don't use [ img ] and [ youtube ] BBCodes or spam emoticons.
Please don't try this really =___=


and to further add emphasis to the 7th rule




Please, just don't. Staff are not always online making it a huge mess when someone posts nonsensical 50+ characters of a single letter.

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Yay hello everyone I'm new here~

I've read and understood the rules 8D

Will follow them <33

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