The Official Nicole Spazzing Thread


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Ahhhh, her latest instavid too cute. "Annyeong~ Muah" OMG. A little of me died inside. And I can swear her eyesmile was about to appear when the video ended. Could have been a second longer to catch her eyesmile.


Here's the link:

Edited by Redresonance
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i wonder what occasion is this for? something about chuseok special?



[단독-코난포토] 니콜, 드라마 촬영 중 깜찍한 포즈 (인천=코난TV) 이윤영PD : 카라 니콜이 KBS 추석 특집드 라마 주연으로 발탁 오늘 오후 인천공항에서 카라의 니콜과연우진이 드라마 촬영을 하고있다



[단독-코난포토] 니콜, 인천공항에서 연우진과 드라마 촬영 포착 (인천=코난TV) 이윤영PD : 카라니콜이KBS추석특집드라마주연으로발탁오늘오후인천공항에서카라의니콜과연우진이드라마촬영을하고있다

85aLgie.jpgcr : @SOCIAL_CONANTV

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<p><p><p>i wonder what occasion is this for? something about chuseok special? [단독-코난포토] 니콜, 드라마 촬영 중 깜찍한 포즈 (인천=코난TV) 이윤영PD : 카라 니콜이 KBS 추석 특집드 라마 주연으로 발탁 오늘 오후 인천공항에서 카라의 니콜과연우진이 드라마 촬영을 하고있다 DKpaDTk.jpg

[단독-코난포토] 니콜, 인천공항에서 연우진과 드라마 촬영 포착 (인천=코난TV) 이윤영PD : 카라니콜이KBS추석특집드라마주연으로발탁오늘오후인천공항에서카라의니콜과연우진이드라마촬영을하고있다

85aLgie.jpgcr : @SOCIAL_CONANTV

I think these pictures are for Kara drama, Secret Love. If I'm not mistaken it wrote as Kbs chuseok special and their drama will e air on Kbs right?

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Maybe it's because she tries to avoid eating so she drinks?


I don't think Nicole would avoid eating, she eats healthier these days but avoid eating.. def not :lol:


The more pics I see of Nicole from the Secret Love filming, the more intrigued I am at her storyline. Speaking of that, we haven't heard anything about her ep yet :(

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I don't think Nicole would avoid eating, she eats healthier these days but avoid eating.. def not :lol:

The more pics I see of Nicole from the Secret Love filming, the more intrigued I am at her storyline. Speaking of that, we haven't heard anything about her ep yet :(


I think its because she didnt finish her filming yet so the synopsis of her episode still not out. Heard that she will has another filming tomorrow(13th July) so maybe after wrapping her episode,we will get to know her storyline and what is it all about :blush:

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Totally agree lol.  Maybe it's because she tries to avoid eating so she drinks?

I forgot about GGS...there she is in the beginning of the MV sucking away on a straw <- that's probably why I like Nicole, I drink from straws all the time too.

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I don't know but I feel like Nicole got the gag prize... hahaha... If you know what I mean. The other members got handsome good looking male leads and she ends up with KwangSoo... hahaha... But as of right now he seems to be the most "well-known", so I guess that makes up for it.


A lot of people have been disappointed that Cole got paired up with Kwang Soo, and I don't get why.  I think he's hilarious and awesome.  I think they would fit together quite well actually.  Both kinda act clueless and dorky.

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A lot of people have been disappointed that Cole got paired up with Kwang Soo, and I don't get why.  I think he's hilarious and awesome.  I think they would fit together quite well actually.  Both kinda act clueless and dorky.


Personally, although I like Kwang Soo for who he is and his Running Man personality, I can't visualize them as a couple at all. Maybe it's because he's too tall and does not appear ideal for Cole. But I hope their good acting in the episode, or the story will prove otherwise and win my support haha.

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I think its because she didnt finish her filming yet so the synopsis of her episode still not out.


SeungYeon just started filming and I've  read her synopsis in the news articles XD Nicole just recently had some articles b/c of the recent photos with Hong Sukchun and Kwangsoo but no mention of her storyline. It's interesting reading some thoughts from KKamilia, one fan thinks Nicole was adopted and went back to Korea to search for her Father/Parents :)



I was taken aback by Kwangsoo as Nicole's potential Love interest for her episode but it might turn out to be really great  :lol:


Some caps/preview of 7 Days of Summer:






 cr | ckhong0887

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Seungyeon synopsis already out because of her co star company that released the info. I think Jing synopsis is also not released yet although she and Nicole started filming around the same time. But there was an article about an actress that will be her mom right?Both articles were released by the actor/ess agency. Like Hara and Gyuri, I hope they will be an articles about her episode together with some image teasers of her episode as soon as possible ^_^

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