[2009.10.08] Kara To Make Drama Cameo Appearance


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a drama cameo?? i can't wait to see it. it'd be great to hear another one of their songs from revolution right before they stop promotions, especially as a cameo appearance. so far, most of my favorite groups have appeared on dramas, and kara is now being added on as well. i'll really make sure i see this when it happens. looking forward to the performance :D

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Wa~aaah ^^ Now a drama !! ^^ We REALLY ARE witnessing history !! Through our bare eyes !!! O.O This really remind's me of during " Break it " day's.. Hammie said she wouldn't pass down an opportunity to be in a drama ^^ So this is a dream come true? ^^ Hehe ^^ I look forward to this !! Just one month of break.. Then back to making a single huh.. I wish they would rest more.. But.. They are getting an explosion of fan's/love and support.. Thanks for sharing Mae...

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