[2008.10.19] For Kara, Male Stars "Rock U" Versions Praise them like Magnolias


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  • 카라, 남성 스타들의 'ROCK YOU' 찬양에 함박꽃

카라가 ‘록 유(ROCK YOU)’의 활동을 마무리했지만 남자스타들의 카라와 ‘록 유’에 대한 찬사가 끊이지 않아 화제다.

에픽하이의 멤버 타블로와 미쓰라가 스타트를 끊었다. 두 사람은 최근 타블로가 진행하는 MBC라디오 FM4U의 ‘타블로와 꿈꾸는 라디오’에서 ‘록 유’를 코믹한 스타일로 바꿔불러 청취자들로부터 폭발적인 반응을 이끌어냈다.

실력파 뮤지션 유희열 역시 토이의 객원보컬을 맡았던 이지형 등과 함께 자신이 진행하는 라디오에서 카라와 ‘록 유’ 띄우기에 동참했다. 유희열 등은 최근 KBS 라디오 제2FM의 ‘유희열의 라디오천국’에서 카라에 대해 “일본의 아이들밴드. 소녀밴드보다 카라가 훨씬 잘한다”. “중간에 나오는 ‘Shake it’(후렴구)은 주문이다. 헤어나오지 못하게 하는 주문이다. 이미 거기까지 (노래를) 들었으면 카라의 노예가 된다”는 등의 코멘트를 하며 찬사를 보냈다.

최근 6집 앨범을 발표하며 활동하고 있는 언더그라운드의 베테랑 힙합 뮤지션 MC한새 역시 MBC FM4U ‘강인과 태연의 친한친구’에 나와 ‘록 유’의 가사를. 오랜기간 무명시기를 보내온 자신의 설움을 표현하는 노랫말로 바꿔불러 뜨거운 반응을 이끌어냈다. ‘한새빡세’.‘세끼 세끼 세끼 먹고 싶어’등 ‘록 유’와 아주 흡사한 발음의 노랫말에 네티즌들은 폭소를 터뜨렸다.


Although Kara's "Rock U" activities have ended, male stars have continued its life with their own versions.

Epik High's members Tablo and Mithra started it off. On MBC Radio FM4U's "Tablo's Dream Radio", the two recently made their own comic version of "Rock U", which led to a tremendous reaction from listeners.

The music group Amusement Line's backup vocals also put out their version of Kara's Rock U".
On KBS Radio #2FM's "Amusement Line's Radio Heaven", Amusement Line said that versus Japan's idol group, Girl's Band, Kara far outshines them. "The "Shake It" part is an order. It's an order you cannot not obey. If you've listened up to that part, then you've become Kara's slave."

Also, recently starting their 6th album activities, veteran hip-hop musician MC Hansae came out with his version of "Rock U" lyrics on MBC FM4U's "KangIn and TaeYeon's Chin Chin Radio" He changed the lyrics to reflect a long sad period of his life which received a hot reaction: "Han Sae Bbak Seh" "Sehggi, sehggi, sehggi mohguh shipoh" (I want to eat three meals, three meals, three meals), which caused quite a laughter among netizens since it sounded so similar.

Credits: Sports Seoul, tinggg, Mae

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thanks tinggg :P

so funny.. Rock U has garnered KARA lots of mentions so I love Rock U!!

but i find it kinda funny that KARA was compared to Japan's girl idol groups and not Korea's :tongue:

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Haha aw I loved this article, thanks for sharing!

LOL Epik High's version is absolutely hilarious. You can't help but burst out laughing once you listen to it. They had to stop towards the end cuhz they put so much effort into the song ahaha.

Wow, I'm glad they got recognition from a Japanese group(?) Sorry, I wasn't quite sure on that part, but I know it was a positive thing! Kara hwaiting :thumbup:

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Yeah Rock U Body I Say... Wohoo

Its nice to know many are liking Kara's Rock U even though they are finished propmoting it...

Epik High's version is indeed hilarious especially the gangsta style "ROCK U BODY I SAY"XD

I have seen MC Hansae version as well...

Very nice, sounds the same...keke

Thank you for translating Tingg onni ^^

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