KARA and DSP no more?

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This is so sad, right now it seems like the 3 KARA girls and their parents were offered by "J" a better contract. They decided to sue DSP so they can shorten their contracts and move to another company. It's all about money.


The root of all evil?


Anyway seems like they are back together as 5 again so we should all be happy about this at least?

Cheer up guys!

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All the news are bullsh*t and the only news I want to see is that KARA are back together. I don't give a sh*t whether it is because of money, DSP, J, Nicole's mother. I just wish KARA will be together whether they are in DSP or not.

That's the same news all of us want to hear. By analyzing the news that we get to the best of our abilities, we try to get a feeling for how likely it is we hear those news. That's the only reason why we speculate about what's going on: because we want to hear the news that they will be staying together.

I had enough of hearing from DSP, Landmark, J, Parents, Random CEO, speculations from others. Just shut up and support KARA like a fan should.

The best way to support them is by being fair in our analysis of the situation. That implies analyzing what news we get, even if those news are about Landmark, DSP, and the parents. We can't know how to support them unless we understand their situation, so we have to analyze and even speculate a bit in order to know how to help them out.

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Another day goes by. No new news about this "comedy of errors"

Here i am at the library looking out the window, watching the snow falling in a gloomy day that matches my mood. I just didn't realize how much I have emotionally invested in these girls.

This maelstrom have deeply affected me, and I suspect it has affected many of you too.

I am not giving up. At least not yet. I still strongly believe in the "innocence" of the girls. it will have to be proven, beyond the shadow of the doubt that they were/are the masterminds of this opera.

I'm just mad as hell at all this, but still hangin on. :angry:

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Another day goes by. No new news about this "comedy of errors"

Here i am at the library looking out the window, watching the snow falling in a gloomy day that matches my mood. I just didn't realize how much I have emotionally invested in these girls.

This maelstrom have deeply affected me, and I suspect it has affected many of you too.

I am not giving up. At least not yet. I still strongly believe in the "innocence" of the girls. it will have to be proven, beyond the shadow of the doubt that they were/are the masterminds of this opera.

I'm just mad as hell at all this, but still hangin on. :angry:

:( Fighting! We're all still hoping for the best! I too also believe that the girls' involvement has not been proven.

I strongly feel that DSP made some mistakes and that the parents are using those mistakes as an excuse for trying to escape DSP and jump to another higher-paying company. And I also feel that Landmark's stupidity in this fiasco is beyond imagination: all they wanted was to have a high-profile (high-paying) case against a rich company, and turned a simple conflict into an rampaging controversy by convincing the parents that they could indeed get their girls into a higher-paying company.

I'm not saying I'm 100% sure the girls are innocent; I'm just saying I'm 100% sure there's still no proof that the girls are not innocent.

Kara Fighting! Kamilia Fighting! Kara5ever!

Edited by checarlos87
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i need better translation for last paragraph :confused1:

Basically the last paragraph of Daum states that:

The 3 girls current standing with their management is in a state of termination... All the girls have stated that they would still like to work together as 5... The girls have also agreed to finish filming the drama in Japan as scheduled...

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because they're not fool. if they don't, they have to pay for the $damage in dishonouring the contract. btw "they" here includes everyone. but surprisingly on the other hand, there're actually people still asking for termination or shortening of contract.

finally when putting up comments & thoughts, please don't mention "kara" (don't involve gyulhara) when you actually only mean the parents. don't mislead everyone by using the word "kara" at will. this is obviously biasing with the knowledge that it's wrong.

check out the latest (kinda) from our translator.

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I believe (or want to believe) that all those demands were made by their parents/lawyers, not the girls themselves. Because I can't imagine these three girls could think of something so unreasonable. If what I believe is true, then the parents/lawyers are damaging Kara's reputation by being so greedy and selfish. Whether Kara will return or not, they will definitely gain more haters and lose fans, just because of these ambiguous reports and the people that are actually behind all this.

But then again, what do we know? Things might be a lot more complicated than this and what we know might only be one bit of the truth. So right now I can only keep trusting Kara and hope for a compromise between them & their agency.

I'm just getting the feeling that they made these demands so that DSP would just drop them anyway, and then they could go on and sign with a new company...

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another update from our translators.

the supposedly quotes from the parents at the previous interview,

"I hope to create good results through yielding little by little." &

"It’s not possible to be 100% satisfied in life."

step by step, i hope a compromise can be reached.

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They will continue activities as 5. Yes, so good to hear. Im happy.

According to the article in allkpop, only the CEO and parents negotiated, that means the girls don't show up. Jiyoung's dad tweeted that they covered half the distance. So I guess things will be ok. The girls' bond is unbreakable. And we don't need to worry about it. :eyelove:

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I wonder what the future will be like working as 5...

Will it be harder for them?


I think it will be harder for them because of their reputation has been affected in Korea and there's been so much fighting (on both sides) between non-DSP companies like CCM's president with the KEPA attacking the YPA and the other companies associated with that.

Within DSP I think it will also be hard on Seungyeon, Nicole, and JiYoung because they're going to be looked at differently. Assuming that the parents do get changes made people who work at DSP may lose their jobs or have to get new responsibilities to meet the demands of the parents. I'm sure there will be some within DSP who agreed with some of their complains so that further puts a division within the company.

I think it will also affect the 3 going forward because if an opportunity arises to get CF's, variety show appearances, etc... for an individual member I think DSP could look first to Gyuri (and Hara) before the other 3.

I'm extremely happy for them to continue as 5. I really didn't hold out too much hope when the news first came out and then seeing how vicious the fighting became and how other corporations got involved as well, but it's looking optimistic now.

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So they are just finishing up existing schedules? What about future schedules? During the lawsuit DBSK still had to do their scheduled events in Japan so they wouldn't get sued....but Jiyoung's dad's twit gives me hope. :)

Edited by Diane
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I'm so happy they're continuing their activities as 5. I hope they will stay together and that they weren't too stressed out all week. Keeping faith that something like this won't happen again because it will give me a heart attack! KARA Hwaitingg. :good:

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imo i don't see any positives from the last meeting between the 2 sides.

"continuing as 5 with planned schedules" doesn't clear the clouds or ease the present tension at what.

what most concern to me is the "wanting to shorten or terminate the contract".

since the reports are contradicting, i'm not sure which side actually brought up this insensible proposal.

i'm least concerned with the near future because this is not the way moving forward in long term.

i want to know & see what's installed for the future, not till umj contract but beyond.

i want unity, not ONLY coming together for the sake to solve present situation.

maybe i have to accept it's a reality in today's world when money is concerned.

probably the girls have their says differently but they're putting fans as their priority.

i've passed the worried stage though still learning to accept the reality.

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I'm REALLY happy that they're continuing to be 5. (: I mean, it might just be a little bit of news, but it's a start! Taking baby steps will lead to a big compromise. Let's continue to pray for KARA and DSP. <3 May they reach a compromise. May KARA NEVER be mistreated again.

KARA fightingg! :D

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imo i don't see any positives from the last meeting between the 2 sides.

"continuing as 5 with planned schedules" doesn't clear the clouds or ease the present tension at what.

what most concern to me is the "wanting to shorten or terminate the contract".

since the reports are contradicting, i'm not sure which side actually brought up this insensible proposal.

i'm least concerned with the near future because this is not the way moving forward in long term.

i want to know & see what's installed for the future, not till umj contract but beyond.

i want unity, not ONLY coming together for the sake to solve present situation.

Exactly. A lot of people are celebrating over the announcement that they'll finish up their current schedule. That's neither bad nor good news; if anything, it's a sign that no real progress has been made. I think we should hold our celebrating until future activities have been announced.

Edited by checarlos87
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