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oh jieun – cold summer night
오지은 - 차가운 여름밤
translated by _KARAtweets

[Gyuri] conversation with oh jieun
GY: oh jieun - cold summer night
JE: thank you gyuri! KARA fighting!
GY: wow i'm a jieun's fanㅜㅜthank you..i always listening to your songs!!!
JE: i'm a fan too! i even remember JCL's lyric!
GY: je....jet.... i want to cry(ㆆ_ㅜ);; i really like [3],Jieun, Happy Robot edition album it's an honorㅜㅜthank you for making a great album!
translated by _KARAtweets

suddenly trembling kekekeke wow >_<
갑자기 떨린다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ우와>_<
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need to change mood by listening to this kind of song..
Robin Thicke - 2 the sky #nowlistening
i want to drive around
이런 음악이라도 들어야 기분전환되지..
Robin Thicke - 2 the sky #듣는中
드라이브라도 하고싶네
[Gyuri] and why am i easily affected by hot weather.. ~ 그리고 난 더위에 왜 이리 약한가..
[Gyuri] why is it so hot.. ~ 왜 이렇게 더운가..
translated by _KARAtweets

first roll of natura classica.. though today i was very nervous but i feel glad since the photos came out better than expected:D
네츄라클라시카 첫롤.. 오늘 긴장되는 마음으로 인화하고 왔는데 생각보다는 더 좋은 이미지들이 만들어진거 같아서 기분이 좋다:D
translated by _KARAtweets

the film is natura 1600.. thanks to that i able to took pictures a little bit more confidently.. the result is indeed great but if only i use it from the start;;
but this is truly the colors that i wanted ihihi;D 
필름은 네츄라1600.. 덕분에 좀 더 자신감있게 찍을 수 있었다는.. 결과물이 좋으니까 좋긴한데 처음부터 1600에 맛들어 버리면 어쩌려나;;
근데 정말 내가 원하던 색감이다 이히히;D
translated by _KARAtweets

i think i got it now why people taking picture using film camera. while i was hurrying to take the picture of the building on the lower side of the picture before the lights went out, suddenly i found a very nice tree that i think it was calling for me! then i took picture of's exactly this kind of experience slowly but sure haha it has a different feeling with digital (camera) ~
왜 필카를 찍는지 그 기분을 알것 같다. 저 밑에 건물 불꺼지기전에 사진찍으려고 급히 갔다가 생각지도 못한 멋진 나무를 발견해서 너가 날 불렀구나! 하고 담고..막 이런 기억들이 새록새록ㅎ 디지털과는 또 다른~
translated by _KARAtweets

[Gyuri] my personal best shot kekeke exactly the feeling that i wanted to capture ~ 개인적인 베스트샷ㅋㅋㅋ 딱 내가 찍고싶었던 바로 그 감성 
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[Gyuri] Our Popo got his hair shaved. He became a bear. 우리 뽀뽀 털깎았쪙ㅜㅜ 또 곰돌이 됐쪙ㅜㅜㅎㅎ


translated by _KARAtweets









[Gyuri] no matter whether you are a bear or a poodle! i love you! ~ 네가 곰이건 푸들이건 상관없어! 좋아한다!


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according to what you people said did i saw two shooting star together with two satellites? -_-;
여러분 말씀대로라면 난 별똥별 두 개와 더불어 인공위성도 두개나 본거에요? -_-;


[Gyuri] you said it's a satellite? that thing can be observe by naked eyes too? ~ 인공위성이라구요? 그것도 눈으로 관측되는 건가요?



btw what's that that looks like a star but moving around...??it's not a plane though..........
근데 별같은게 계속 이동하는건뭐지...??비행기는 아닌데..........


[Gyuri] is it fate i was listening to nakashima mika's orion, it's just in time... ~ 운명인가 나카시마미카에 orion을 듣고있는데 마침 보이다니...


[Gyuri] saw one... ~ 하나 봤다...


[Gyuri] not sure which sky will it be ~ 어느 하늘일지 모르겠네


translated by _KARAtweets








[Gyuri] if i knew that i won't be able to sleep and will stay awake all night i would have see the stars a little bit more earlier ~ 이렇게 잠이안와서 밤샐줄 알았으면 아까 별이나 좀더 보고올걸





the shines is different with meteor shower and it's moving slower than meteor shower.... the direction and the time was different too. anyway it was amazing
유성우랑은 다르게 딱 그냥 별정도의 밝기가 유성우보다는 느리게 움직이던데.... 방향도 시간도 두개가 달랐고 암튼 신기하네요
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[Gyuri] the grapefruit juice is nice too... my taste>_< ~ 자몽쥬스도 맛있다... 내 취향>_<







Sweetcube N kitchen's americano and cookie! also the nail i got upstairs  :D the atmosphere is nice ~(๓´╰╯`๓) 

Sweetcube N kitchen 의 아메리카노와 쿠키! 그리고 위층에서 받은 네일 :D 분위기좋구나~(๓´╰╯`๓)



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gyuri88: Liz Menezes - Summer Time

gyuri88: now it's alright to upload the red hair+single shot pics and it makes me relieve~_~ i cut my hair after 5 years.. ~ 이제 빨간머리+단발 사진들 올려도 되고 속이 다 후련하네~_~5년만에 머리잘랐엉..

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gyuri88: Unexpectedly seen gyul's time!! ~ 문득 복 귤시!!
gyuri88: I won't do it -_- ~ 안해 -_-
gyuri88: Soon it will be Cole's time... ~ 이 따 콜시나 ...
_911007 yuekim
gyuri88: cole's time.....though it's already passed 20 minutes, with a heart that want to celebrate cole's time....... ~ 콜시.....가 20분 지나도 콜시를 축하하는 마음으로.......@_911007 @yuekim


Translated by @yooniqda_

GyuCole love ;)

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gyuri88: everyone actually the short hair was a wig ~ 여러분 사실 짧은 머리는 가발이었습니다
gyuri88: mom contacted me and said "as expected it was a wig right? gladㅜㅜ.." what should I do;;;;; i cant even joking around like this on #twitter. it's a problem ~ 엄마가 역시가발이었지? 다행이야ㅜㅜ..라며 연락오셨다. 난어떻게 해야하지;;;;; #트위터로 이런 장난도 못치는구나 큰일났다
gyuri88: so it even made it to the news... from now on when im joking i need to say it is a joke... ~ 기사도 났구나... 앞으로는 농담할때 농담이라고 꼭 말해야지...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious... did she or did she not cut her hair? The joke was the 'long hair' or the 'short hair' ?  Doesn't feel like she's wearing a wig... and all the time? mmm... it's only on Runaway live she has long hair.. could be hair extensions... need someone to enlighten.. haaa...

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Gyuri was joking around saying that her short hair was a wig while wearing hair extensions but actually, she did cut her hair^^ The extensions looks so real though :lol:




[Gyuri]kamilia taking care not only kara members but even all the staffs, we ate it well.. thank you 1 portion is this muchㅜㅜhh today i gave up on diet


카밀리아들이 멤버들뿐만 아니라 스텝분들까지 식사 챙겨주셔서 맛있게 잘먹었네요.. 감사합니다 일인분이 이만큼이나ㅜㅜㅎ오늘은 다이어트 포기했음



[Gyuri] jeju bonte museum.. onnies who have went there said this place is good, even just by looking at the picture i want to feel the air looks like it's a good place for healing.. i shall go there too once


제주 본태박물관.. 다녀온 언니들이 여기 너무 좋다고 하던데 벌써 사진만 봐도 바람쐬러 떠나고 싶어진다 힐링하러 가기 좋은 곳인듯.. 나도 꼭 다녀와야지

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