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About jobesam02

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  1. hello :) I was semi-hiatus for awhile that's why I just replied now. We have so many projects~~~~~OMG!!!

  2. just Chesca V? I searched you but there were a lot of people with the same name.

  3. Oohh kewl~ I was born in the Philippines but not live in Florida! XD

    And yup I have a facebook: Cheska V

  4. Ah!I hope that you guys get accepted:)

    You live in Florida but your filipino, right?

    I live in the Philippines but I was born in Australia ^.^

  5. I will~ But the show actually isn't until March! Our group still has to audition for the show! XD So hopefully we make it! :)

    I live in the Sunshine State! (Florida)

  6. i just realized that I type "anyway" a lot. :P

  7. really? your going to dance lucifer? wahh! thats so awesome. how about a vid and posting it on youtube so i can see the dance? LOL :)) anyway, where do live again?

  8. Cuz of school! Gosh so much schoolwork~

    And yeah ohmeegee~ I was so excited about that! Go Shining Melody~ Heheh I want interactions soon!

    Omo and speaking of SHINee, we have this performance thing called the Multicultural Extravaganza, and so I'm in the korean modern (kpop) group! And we're going to be dancing to Lucifer~ heheh X3

  9. Waeyo?~~anyway, im so happy that the shining melody thread reached 100!!hooray:))

  10. Heheh Hey~ long time no talk! XD

    It's been a while since I've been on Karaholic! :(

  11. Unni!~~~~~~kkkkk~~~~~~just wanted to drop by :)))

  12. Hi again~ <3 Heheh just wanted to drop by!

  13. Unnie?! Lol I feel so old~ XD Anyways, NiKey is totally my OTP~ I've been spazzing out so much about those pictures of them that came up recently! I so want them to be a couple on WGM! ;)

  14. opps! i realized that what i said was totally confusing..keke..sorry >_<