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Posts posted by KARAddicted.01

  1. @KaraNice XD yeahh i know about the past.. I was referring to "Jumping" they're not performing it yet on Korean Music shows..

    KARA one of Korea's top group even without too much promotions like OTHERS..

    Kamilia is a loveable peaceful fanclub FORTUNATElY, unlike mmmhh OTHERS haa haa..

    I won't name anyone :whistling:

    I want Mubank.. mucore, Inky.. and pwns everyone ! yeehh

  2. that's why Kamilia should be more positive.. Jumping is doing well both in Japan and in Korea.. I think that we are just sad because we don't see them performing on Music Shows and receiving awards PLUS international kpop news like allkpop,dkpopnews ecc don't say anything about Kara's achievement.. wahhhh..

    LET's JUMP Higher ! XD

  3. Why many negative/SAD comments ? aigoo..

    [Japan] KARA has been releasing with BIG JAPANESE groups like ARASHI,PERFUME ecc ecc, with a BRAND NEW SONG ( not like others ).. it's a risk they took and debuting AGAIN at #5 oricon charts I think it's a big achievent too..

    [Korea] LACK of promotions, as always our beloved company lacks in promotions.. and well girls are not performing or doing anything.. they're just filming some shows.. and we all know how in Korea you have to do some kind of stuff right ? though I still heard that Jumping is rocking in some charts..

    Please be more happy for our girls.. They worked hard for a great 4th mini-album, whatever others and charts will say.. KARA is still the best for KAMILIA right ? yeeeehhh XD

    Let's JUMP higher =D

  4. [ CHAPTER 4 ]

    Break time

    " Jung Nicole ! " that scream catched everyone's attention.

    " What ? " she looked up to see two girls approaching her. She gulped as she could already feel everyone's gazes.

    Since rumors of her dating Kyuhyun spread, the whole school didn't stop to talk about them. It was getting harder everyday, whispers and eyes on her, attention which she wasn't used to ' I hate that guy ' she thought giving out a deep sigh.

    " I don't know what's happened, but I'm warning you.... leave KYUHYUN OPPA !! " the last name was emphasized, Nicole covered her ears. The girl's voice was too high pitched for her ears. She put her hands on the table then lifted herself up " How sad right ? Your beloved oppa likes another girl " she smiled bitterly, the second girl went closer to her to grab her face strongly, Hara stood up but was pushed down on her seat right after " Mind your own buisness doll " the first girl grinned,

    " Since it's Nicole, it's Kara's buisness " Seungyeon stood up then pushed the girl who was holding Nicole's face.

    " Do you really think that Kyuhyun oppa likes you ? that's sad " the first girl looked around then pointed at Kyuhyun who was eating at his table totally uninterested of what was happening there,

    " Yahh, leave ! are you waiting for me to stand up ? " Gyuri finally intervened pulling back her hair as she was used to, the two fangirls expression changed suddenly after hearing the goddess serious voice.

    As most of the girls in that school, they were afraid of her. The leader. Slowly they started to step back then ran off.

    Nicole fell down on her butt " Sorry..... " she said almost whispering. She felt thankful towards her members who still helped her even if they were still upset with her for not saying anything about Kyuhyun.

    " It's ok " Seungyeon caressed her friend's face,

    " We won't ever leave you alone, you should already know that.... whatever happens " Hara put her hands on Nicole's shoulder,

    " Unnie " the sweet moment was interrupted by Jiyoung. The four girls looked at their maknae " what if you really leave Kyuhyunsshi ? " their eyes widened for the sudden question,

    " Jiyoung don't be like this "

    " When Eunhyuk oppa and Gyuri unnie started to date, his fangirls didn't approve, though they didn't do much since they're afraid of her, but for sure they won't let go of Nicole unnie easily " her voice was trembling,

    " Then I think we will have to show them the power of our group.... again " Seungyeon hit her fist on the table,

    " another fight " Hara grumbled helpless,

    " Nicole.. do you love him ? " Gyuri took a sip of her coffee " If you don't.... it would be useless to fight for him "

    Nicole's expression was slowly changing ' what should I do ? ' she thought feeling uneasy.

    She looked at Jonghyun as she was begging for help. He rushly stepped forward then grabbed her arms,

    " where are you going again ? " the goddess gave an icy stare to him

    " I have to talk with her "

    He dragged her away. Nicole looked at their holding hands, once again he was the one saving her. She stopped on her track, left his hand then hugged him from his back. Her eyes slowly became watery,

    " Don't cry Cole, please " she hugged him even tighter. As much as her members cared for her they were no help, even if she told them everything they wouldn't understand.

    Jonghyun was the only one she could lean on " sorry " she managed to say between her sobs " You'll get into trouble with me " her tears kept flowing down recalling the goddess stare, he free himself then faced her

    " I don't care, I won't let you hurt, I will be here to protect you.... always " he pulled her into his hug. He was surprised by his own words, obviously his feelings for her didn't change.

    " Kim Jonghyun is still in love with Jung Nicole " he thought. In the past he gave up on her because of Minho, he knew how his dongsaeng was head over heels for her and not wanting to ruin their brothership he decided to watch over her from afar.

    " ######ing ###### !!! Don't touch her !!! " Jonghyun was pulled away from her.

    In Minho's eyes a fire enflamed itself " what kind of friend you are ? " he punched his hyung square on the face. Jonghyun fell strongly on the ground, he whiped the blood on his lips then jumped on him " I don't have anything to explain to you "

    " I'll kill you !!! Stay away from her "

    The two started a violent fight, as if their 10 years of friendship were suddenly disappeared. Punches here and there, kicks and blood everywhere. Nicole was trying to part them but they weren't willing to stop until " I KNEW IT "

    they turned their face hearing that familiar voice.

    Hara was standing there.

    Tears were flowing down on her pale cheeks, her hands were shaking, her knees as well " You two !! Cowards !!! You love her right ? Just say it out !!! " her voice cracked as sobs kept coming out.

    Hara was a calm girl who would keep her cool even during hard time. It was rare to see her loosing her temper that's why whenever it happened anyone would be startled. It's been so long since the three heard the girl raising her voice and the last time it was also because of Minho.


    Nicole stepped towards her friend " Please calm down.. "

    " don't come closer or I might do something bad " Hara waved up her fist, she stared at Minho who didn't speak, didn't move. Whatever he was going to say.... it was useless. He hurt her again.... words were no help, they couldn't heal her wounds.

    " I hate you.... You don't deserve me " the girl clenched her left fist then with the back of her right hand she whiped her tears " Jonghyun don't be like him..... tell her "



    on Jiyoung's way back home

    " Jing ! " and an arm was placed on her shoulder, she shook it quickly " Yah what the he.... " but she instantly stopped seeing Taemin putting his hands on his face afraid of being hit.

    She chuckled " You scared me.... Since when did you started to call me like that ? ",

    " I heard it from my hyungs so.... " he shrugged,

    " But Shinee oppas and I are close " she frowned crossing her arms,

    " we're close too " the boy pouted cutely stopping on his track,

    " wait but " she looked back and forth " where are you going ? " she faced him with a your-home-is-on-the-other-way expression

    " I want to walk you home and we're almost there by the way " he walked on, the girl stood still for awhile then started to walk as well keeping distance from him.

    When they reached her gate Jiyoung bowed and smiled " Thanks, but you don't have to.. " she sighed " someone might misunderstand, you know "

    " I know " he leaned on the wall " But what if I can't keep myself from you ? " he tilted his head to see her face since she was looking down.

    Taemin grabbed her shoulder , pushed her against the wall and looked deeply at her eyes " Aisshhh but I'm taken.... " the boy let her go and faced his back to her


    " so what ? " with a firm voice " You can still have me without leaving your girl.. " Jiyoung held her head up, the boy's eyes widened " You'll get hurt " she pulled him to make him face her then cupped his face " I might suffer being the second for you, but I'd suffer more being apart from you " she was so embarassed after saying that, she was about to run off but Taemin was faster and grabbed her waist " my Jing is so cute " he giggled then pulled her into his hug.

    Was Jiyoung going to be his lover ? YES. Probably what she was doing was wrong, but she wasn't willing to let him go.

    That was how she interpreted what Seungyeon told her " Promise me that when you'll find someone to love you won't let him go ".


    A secret has been reveiled, a friendship has been forgotten, a new love was born and someone's heart was broken. Finally it was night. After a long and tiring day everyone could rest and sleep. Seungyeon was about to close her eyes when she heard something hitting her window, she opened it and found Minho climbing there " At this hour here ? " she frowned surprised,

    " I needed to talk with someone and your phone was off noona " the boy jumped in then sat comfortably on the floor, she chuckled and laid back on her bed

    " I heared about what's happened earlier. You're a jerk you know ? You keep messing with fire " she threw her pillow on him

    " I know " the younger one pouted clenching the soft thing that just hit his head,

    " aren't you going to stop ? " Seungyeon narrowed her eyes,

    " I don't know how to.. "

    " You are really still a kid.... You shouldn't even be involved in love matters since you don't know how to handle it " she was half-serious half-kidding,

    " Noona.... " he jumped on her bed begging for a hug but the girl held back " Yahh ! Who do you think I am ? Don't be too touchy " she pushed him slightly then laughed out loud. He restrained himself and sat beside her " i'm confuse ",


    " i can't say who you do love Minho " she gave out a sweet smile and patted his head " what I know is.... Hara loves you while Nicole doesn't. She will never love you.. Because compare to friendship, love is nothing for her. She won't ever hurt Hara. It has always been like that and I don't know if your dumb or you just pretend to be one not to understand it until now "

    Seungyeon felt guilty towards her dongsaeng for being so harsh but that was the only way to make him face the truth and clarify his feelings.



    During the english lesson Nicole asked to go out to take a walk because she wasn't feeling well, she run to the school rooftop, the place where she was used to go when she was bothered by something " Cho Kyuhyun ! " she shouted venting her anger,

    " when I'll get back my diary, I'll put an end to this ###### !! "

    " Cho.. Kyu.. Hyun !! " this time with all of her strenght

    " I don't know how people may believe that we're really together "

    " why ? " a voice came from behind, she froozed then quickly turned her face.

    " so you are the noisy girl who always comes here and doesn't make me sleep "

    Park Jaebeom, 2pm's leader was right in front of her " What about us ? " she frowned not understanding what he was reffering to " Do we fit together ? " he was so close to her, Nicole hold out her hands and pushed him away " look at you then look at me " she pointed at him then at herself " we are totally different " she looked down to avoid his eyes,

    " Then.... what kind of girl suits me ? "


    " aishh give me your phone " Jaebeom held out his hand, she was hesitating but ended up giving it to him, he grabbed her shoulders then pulled her closer " strike a pose " he ordered then give back her phone pointing at the screen, she looked at it and her eyes widened, as much as she wanted to deny it, in that picture they really look good together,

    the guy smiled seeing her expression " what were you saying about us not looking good together ? " she didn't answer.

    " By the way.. about Kyuhyun.... Let me guess.. He's threatining you to be his girl " Nicole gulped, she was speechless, he smirked " I'll put an end to this " he placed a kind hand on her cheeks,

    " why ? " she blushed as he thumbs were caressing her pale face,

    " Because I'm bored "


    Break time

    Gyuri called out Seungyeon and Hara then the three of them walked towards the music hall. There was no one in so they could calmly continue their talk.

    " Park jaebeom is strong enough to go against him " Gyuri stopped on her tracks facing her dongsaengs

    " That guy takes all of his girls on his bed " Hara grumbled grabbing Seungyeon's arm as if she was asking her to complain the goddess decision

    " Better for me, I don't have to worry for him to fall for her and get hurt " the girl added,

    " What about Nicole ? Don't forget that she is one of US " Seungyeon shook her leader from her shoulders " You can't do it ! You must be kidding ! "

    " No I'm not " the goddess said with a firm tone,

    " Unnie did you even consider her feelings ? " Hara kicked the wall strongly, her eyes were filling with anger, Seungyeon turned her back ready to leave,

    " What do you expect from me ? Cho Kyuhyun is my FIANCEE after all! " Gyuri shouted with all her strenghts, she was panting then she clenched her teeth to keep her tears from flowing. After five months she didn't want to shed tears anymore.


    [A/N] :

    - Jaebeom first short appearance

    - Gyuri's secret finally reveiled -.-"

    Mistakes may be found, Patience is required, Comments are much much much appreciated..

  5. @KaraNice XD i don't think it was because of their lack of success.. DSP artist are kind of well-known for growing slowly with their own hardwork ecc ecc.. Kara is one them ayt ? =D their debut was kind of mmhh HAMMIE alredy said that :o.. though AST1 what a waste.. I really liked this group.. I'm so looking forward for the next move of DSP.. waahhh love this company hee hee.. SM, JYP, YG will be bigger and more powerful but don't care.... for me DSP is the best.. yehhhhhh..

  6. wahhh finally, hee hee I felt like a loner writing a Fic with MinCole cuts.. I'm so happy to see someone else doing the same.. yehhh =D more love to this couple, XP

    btw talking about the story, may I say that it makes me embarassed.. hee hee.. but NICE ONE.. seriously.... i liked it.. thanks.. thanks a lot WAHHH.. :P

  7. [ CHAPTER 3 ]

    Break time

    Minho was playing with his Iphone " It's been awhile since our last outing huh ? " his friends nodded.

    " it's because we're busy " Jiyoung pouted cutely making Gyuri giggle.

    " Just these boys are busy, with sluttish girls " Hara glanced at Minho who frozen up right away.

    " Aiishh These two ! " Eunhyuk hit the table " You should get along.. Be like the flawless OnYeon couple, right Seungyeonnie ? " the girl's expression changed suddenly " I wouldn't say flawless anymore."

    Gyuri pinch his boy's arm to make him notice Jiyoung who was waving at him, he had to shut up. Eunhyuk put his hand on his mouth feeling sorry towards Seungyeon for talking too much.

    " Gyuri unnie I don't know how you can handle Hyuk oppa he's such a casanova, flirting here and there " the older girl pulled back her hair and crossed her arms " I don't care " everyone burst into laughter.

    " Park Gyuri is the love of my life " Eunhyuk shouted standing on his seat, the girl pulled him back down and rolled her eyes " it would be your loss anyway.. " she paused then cupped his boy's face " there are many girls out there, but just a Goddess " she emphasized the last word, another powerful laughter came out.

    " The funny thing is.. " Eunhyuk stood up once again to get his friends attention " ..she's totally cool with girls calling, following me or giving me chocolates.. But she would broke up with me right away if i'm late on our dates, even if just for 5minutes " the group couldn't stop laughing.

    Eunhyuk and Gyuri were hilarious, they never fail to make their friends laugh. A relationship that wasn't as calm and sweet as Onew and Seungyeon, they would often have their up and down but they could still be reputated as one of the strongest couple in their school. Two person with opposite personalities were complete when they were together.

    That was Hyukri.

    Gyuri stood up and walked away, her phone was ringing " Hyuk oppa be careful, you might loose her without knowing " Hara hit his shoulder and sat beside him.

    " why here ? " Jonghyun asked surprised seeing Taemin.

    " what why Hyung ? I am a SHINee after all.. Can't I spend my time here ? " Jonghyun put a there's-something-up expression, the younger one shrugged then sat on the table comfortably.

    " Thanks again Jiyoung " he leaned towards the girl who was busy eating her snack, seeing his face so close to her made her gulped then blushed helpless.

    " why are you suddenly thanking her ? " Minho took a glance at Jonghyun then the two of them nodded in agreement, as if they were both thinking their maknae was acting suspiciously.

    " She just helped me with a present " Taemin answered though he totally ignored the exchanging glances of his hyungs, his eyes were stuck on Jiyoung.

    The girl was pretending not to hear or see anything, she was trying to avoid not just the boy's eyes but her unnie's too. Seungyeon and Hara were watching the scene quietly. Totally dumbfounded by Taemin's confession.

    They stood up, then each of them grabbed an arm of their dongsaeng and dragged her to the toilette.

    " We won't let you go 'till you won't tell us everything " Hara cupped the girl's face to make her look at her eyes,

    " It was just for his girlfriend gift " Jiyoung pouted innocently.

    " Mmh there's something more " Seungyeon crossed her arms not convinced.

    " While you were eating your snack, he was eating you with his eyes " Hara gave out an evil smile.

    " I didn't notice " she rolled her eyes and turned her back to her unnies.

    The two girls put an analitycal expression but their maknae just shrugged.

    On the other side boys have surrounded Taemin " I know that smile " Minho started pointing at his dongsaeng's lips,

    " Don't try to play your games with Jiyoung huh ? "

    " Jonghyun is right, stick to your girl, kid " Eunhyuk slightly punched the tiny guy who just smiled then nodded.

    Gyuri was finally back Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes " Who did you talk with ? " he hold out his arms, the girl sat on his lap and locked her lips with him. She didn't answer.



    107 Nicole's mom cafeteria

    Hara was the one working there, but that day Nicole replaced her because as she said she had some issues to fix.

    " Nicole right ? " the girl looked up hearing her name mentioned. There was a beautiful woman smiling at her. Probably she was in her late '30s. Her eyes, her smile, her hair and her milky skin made her look like a doll.

    She was perfect.

    Nicole was simply amazed. She looked at her from head to toe and the lady was doing the same with an analytical expression on her face.

    " I'm Kyuhyun umma " as she heard it she was about to drop the cup of coffee from her hands. She count up to 10 as her usual trying to hide her nervousness. The woman held out her hand " Mrs Cho " the girl shook her hand reluctantly.

    " You're so pretty " Nicole bowed politely " May I know how did you find out about.... us " the last word was just whispered. Actually she didn't want to ask about it but she was really surprised by the lady's appearance so those words just came out naturally,

    " I was wondering why my son started to go out so early in the morning, but I shrugged it away. Then BAM " Mrs Cho clapped her hands for the excitment " I saw you together at the SM Mall. You were so cute together " Nicole forced a smile in disbelief.

    The woman took something from her white D&G bag " Please write down your number " the younger girl did as she was told to then held back the notebook and the pen. There was a client waiting " I'd like to chat more but I have to work " Nicole said shyly not wanting to sound rude,

    " Aigoo I took you too much time, sorry, I just wanted so badly to know you, I'll go now " Mrs Cho bid good-bye, but when she was about to reach the exit she turned " Please don't say anything to Kyuhyunnie " she said winking. Nicole nodded then smiled. This time it wasn't forced, it was her natural smile " I can't believe she is his umma, they're completly different " she pouted. The woman was so nice that it didn't even popped in her mind about reveiling the real reason why she and her Kyuhyun were together. She didn't even think about why the mother wanted to keep it from him. Nicole just shrugged everything away.

    " She's prettier in person " Mrs Cho head to her room right after reaching home then she took out a bunch of pictures in a box " My son has good taste.... Nicole you'll be my daughter-in-law " she giggled. Mrs Cho was the one who stalked Nicole, took pictures and information of her.


    Seungyeon was lying on the grass in the park where the group usually hang out. She was looking at the clouds moving in the sky. It was Relaxing.

    " I was wondering who was the girl here all alone, so it's you " Leeteuk sat beside her and looked at her sad expression. He couldn't stop himself from being mad at Onew, he was hurting such a nice and sweet girl like her " He is living his life.... You should do the same " the boy broke the silence.

    " my life is nothing without him "

    " Come on Seungyeonnie you're stronger than that.. " she sat on her butt then hugged her knees on her chest " I'm afraid.... sometimes I already feel like giving up.... what if I start to enjoy myself and end up forgetting him for real ? "

    " then you'll part "

    " OPPA! " Seungyeon raised her voice bothered by Leeteuk's bland response.

    " we can't always live thinking about all these ' what if '.. How long has it been since the last time you had fun ? "

    " not long time ago " she tried to lie then stick out her tounge and smiled seeing him frowning " Let's go out this weekend " he said facing her,

    " what ? Where are we going " Seungyeon's eyes became bigger, surprised by his sudden propose. He stood up and helped her up too " I'll try to make you smile again "


    Next Morning

    Nicole went to the library as Jonghyun told her to. She sat comfortably then waited for her friend. After 10min he appeared dead tired " Promise me you won't collapse right here " he said sitting beside her, the girl blinked " Cole, Eunhyuk hyung knows " her heart stopped " how did they find out ? "

    " I don't know.... He just called and asked me if it was true because some girls kept talking about it at the entrance " Nicole was confuse, she didn't know what to say or what to do. Her mind was blank. Jonghyun noticed that she wasn't in the condition to portray the conversation and it was about time for lesson to start anyway so he helped her up and walked her to her class.

    As they were walking she could feel everyone's eyes on her, everyone were confabulating behind her back.

    * I never thought she could be his type *

    * This is ridicolous *

    * I won't believe it 'till I see it with my own eyes *

    " Rumors spread quickly " Jonghyun mumbled so just the two of them could hear.

    They stopped at the door of her class she counted up to 10 to calm herself, she opened the door, after seeing her everyone looked away and pretended to be busy. The boy give her quick supportive hug then left with a cute wink.

    Everything sounded so different through the lesson, not just her classmate but her teacher as well.

    It was frustrating.


    Break Time

    It was time to deal with the group. Nicole walked reluctantly towards them.

    " are you really dating Kyuhyun ? " Gyuri asked firmly right after the girl took a seat, she shrugged,

    " Be careful " the older girl added. Nicole felt like something was digging her heart, as much as her unnie tried to act normal, she knew how disappointed she was.

    " Where is Minho ? " Leeteuk asked trying to change the topic.

    " Someone's heart will be broken " Eunhyuk joked but the goddess gave him an icy stare, he put his hand on his mouth, he talked too much again.

    " Yeahh MINE is broken " Minho suddenly appeared then glanced at Nicole who was looking down depressed.

    " Hara fix this kid's heart, " Eunhyuk grinned then pointed at Minho.

    " Unnie ! Tell oppa to stop this " she pouted then smiled seeing Eunhyuk scared expression, he didn't want his girl to be mad at him, he slipped his arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer then a warm kiss was given on the back of her hands.

    Hara left.

    Jiyoung hit Minho who didn't react at all. He was pissed. But for what ? His friends didn't know.

    " Let's go, we can find someone else easily " Seungyeon laughed trying to bring up the mood, Jiyoung stood holding up her hand " You're right unnie, there are lot of guys here "

    " Yah Yah, as if we would let you go with other guys " Leeteuk put his hand on Jiyoung's shoulder then pushed her down to her seat.

    " Stop being overprotective, we can't always do as you want, sometimes it's tiring " the cute maknae pouted,

    " It's up to you girls, if you want us to avoid trouble, then stay away from other guys.." Eunhyuk chuckled, but he wasn't kidding.

    Jonghyun's eyes were stuck on Nicole. He knew how awkward she was. He stood up then dragged her away without a word. The others just looked at each other, the awkwardness was hard to handle.

    Fortunately the bell rang.

    Minho pulled out his water bottle, downed it all at once, then threw it strongly on the ground and left. Slowly everyone went go back to their class.

    " Cole " Jonghyun shook the girl when they reached the school background, " It's alright "

    " No, it's not. " she put her hands on her face " Kyuhyun is making my life miserable, Gyuri unnie is mad at me, the other are disapponted, and Hara, Minho.. THE WHOLE SCHOOL, i'm going crazy !! " Nicole shouted all at once.

    He lowered his head down to peek at her.

    There, he saw her tears dripping down onto her skirt. He pulled her into his hug and comforted her as she continues crying on his shoulder " Cry Cole, cry. I'm here " he whispered sweetly on her ear. Nicole cried her heart out. She free herself from him after 15minutes of tears " I made you skip class " a sigh came out,

    " even if I wasn't here with you, I would have skip it " he laughed mischievously, the girl hit him on his chest " Thanks, thanks a lot " she whiped her last tear " I didn't know you would be the one I would lean on during time like this "

    " There are lot of things you still don't know about me " his arm casually dropped on her shoulder and a confident smirk appeared on his face.

    " ohh pleasseee " Nicole hit his chest again.

    When she was back to herself she finally started to talk about her meeting with Mrs Cho. She told him how beautiful she was, how nice and how she asked her not to say anything to Kyuhyun. He listened to her carefully nodding once in awhile.



    Eunhyuk's house used to be Gyuri's second home. She would go there for lunch and stay 'till dinner. It wasn't hard for her to go there. His parents were so nice towards her, she was treaten as their own daugther or better daughter-in-law. Though it has been so long since her last visit because of homeworks and club activities. That's what she told him, but the real reason were her parents.

    Eunhyuk was busy cooking the dinner for him and his girl. She was about to arrive. Finally they could be together, out of school and without the group, just the two of them. That night had to be perfect.

    * ding dong *

    There she was. The boy rushed to open the door " How do you get prettier and prettier my love ? " he welcomed her with a gummy warm smile.

    After the dinner they laid comfortably on the couch and watched tv. There was this drama " Playful Kiss ". Even if Gyuri wasn't into those kind of stories, she still watched it because its main characters ' Baek Seung-Jo '( smart and cold) and Oh Ha Ni ( innocent and cute ) remind her of Kyuhyun and Nicole.

    Nicole the girl she was mad at, Nicole the girl she loved and cared for. She couldn't help it, she was worried for her.

    In that moment Eunhyuk's hand started to unbotton her shirt, his lips were moving all over her face, his intentions were obvious. They didn't made it for a long time so she decided to free her mind and go along with him.

    Right after reaching his orgasm Gyuri pushed him. She faced her back to him then gave out a deep sigh. He knew her too well not to notice that something was off " aren't you going to tell me what's happening ? " she didn't respond, " It's Nicole right ? "

    " Tell him to leave her "

    " I can't, you know he doesn't listen to his hyungs " Kyuhyun was Super Junior's maknae, but he was an indipendent guy who used to spend time alone and not being involved much with his members.

    " Then I guess I have to act alone, " Eunhyuk was confused by his girl's words, he pulled her back to his chest " what are you planning ? "

    " Park Jaebeom " she mumbled before falling asleep.


    [A/N] :

    - I needed a sweet, caring and warm Guy for Hammie. Confused between Leeteuk & Donghae.. Ended up with Teukkie 'cuz I like HaeCole xd

    - " Hyuk oppa be careful, you might loose her without knowing " Hara hit his shoulder and sat beside him.

    - Kyuhyun's mom is supposed to be like Seungjo's mother in Playful Kiss, if you watched it. (played by Jung Hye-Young)

    - MinCole xd

    -Mistakes may be found, Patience is required, Comments are appreciated

  8. thanks to everyone who read&commented.. XP

    mmhh well I think there will be a sequel..

    I will PM whoever will write down something here yehh..

    unfortunately it'll take quite a long time since I'm working on other 2 fics right now..

    "Effort doesn't betray you" & "My Body doesn't listen to Me"

    read it if you have time,

    but get ready to welcome RANDOMLY CUTE couple hee hee..

    I just like writing fics for adorable but overshadowed, underrated pairings..


    Hello, Raika or better AiKA here..

    As a good JayCole lover.. another FiC to spread JayColeFFECT..

    One, Two shoots, or more, not sure..

    MAIN CAST : Nicole& Jay.. Minho..

    RATED : [R]



    I was on the elevator going back to my room.

    I was listening to KARA's "Burn" moving my head along with the beat.

    He was looking at me.

    His gaze made my knees shake and my heart flutter.

    Finally it was my floor.

    As soon as the doors opened I gave out a deep sigh then stepped out, but I couldn't walk on.

    I turned back my face and saw his hands holding my waist.

    He pulled me into his hug making me face him and our eyes met.


    I wanted to scream, to run, but I didn't move.

    My body wasn't listening to me.

    I found myself sitting in the edge of my bed.

    He was in front of me slowly unbottoning his shirt.

    Something bad, something wrong was going to happen, but I wasn't nervous, I wasn't afraid.

    He leaned in for a kiss and our lips locked.

    I closed my eyes, but he pulled away.

    I felt disappointed, I wrapped him into my arms and leaned for another kiss. More passionate this time.

    His right hand slipped under my tank top then grabbed my left breast roughly.

    We laid on the bed.

    He put his on mine " Ahi " I pulled him, just slighlty, I was feeling pain but I didn't want him to stop " Are you ok ? " he asked me moaning, I forced a smile and nodded.

    He started to push his in and out.

    First slowly then faster and faster.

    " Don't you like it ? " I narrowed my eyes blushing " Don't ask stupid question " I hardly manage to say.

    We could feel each other heartbeat, Fast&Strong.

    " Answer or I'll end it here " he whispered.

    " Yes ! "

    I opened my eyes and.... I was lying on a bench.

    I was shocked. I was panting confused. I rubbed my chest.

    " WAS IT A DREAM ? WHY DID IT FEEL SO REAL ? " I mumbled.

    The sun was up on the sky already.

    I stood up.

    The park was filling with kids.

    I looked around.

    " Where I am ? " I thought starting to walk around.

    I stopped on my tracks. My heartbeat stopped as well " Wait.. but.. WHO I AM ? "

    I put my left hand in my pocket and found a piece of paper : JUNG NICOLE 07th october '91 was written on it.

    " My name and my birthday " I supposed.

    I went to the police. Maybe someone has report about me.

    I was just 16 after all. But nothing....

    No one was looking for me.


    4 years already passed from that damn morning.

    My past is lost as my memory is.

    I'm 20 years old now.

    I'm serving DSP, a Mafia organization.

    Lee Hyo Yeon, the big boss, also called "EMP" from emperor, took me in.

    I owe him my own life.

    He trained me to fight, to kill and to fight again.

    This is my task.

    " THIS IS OUR WORLD NICOLE, You have to fit the family image and survive, KILL TO NOT BE KILLED " he has always told me.

    Figthings, Weapons, Bloods are what I see all the time.

    Sometimes I just want to give up everything.

    I don't belong here. but where to go ? I don't belong anywhere.

    That dream....


    Someone I met teached me how to enjoy my life, how to put everything aside and start over.

    Park Minho, thank you.

    He's tall and handsome. Moreover he's nice and sweet.

    BUT he's the son of Park Jin-young. JYP's boss. Mortal enemy of EMP.

    Park Gyuri is the only one beside EMP, I can trust and rely on.

    Unnie takes care of me as her real little sister.

    Despite her arrogant appearance, she's actually a loveable girl.

    She's the only person who knows about my relationship with Khun.

    But how should I define what I have with him ?

    It can't be called "Love" , maybe it's just attraction.

    After two years he decided to develope US in something more.

    We are going to be an official couple.

    The first step was introducing me to his beloved hyung.

    Park Jaebeom.

    His name remind me of someone.

    BUT who ?

    That dream....


  10. [CHAPTER 2]

    Seungyeon was walking towards her class with Jiyoung, each step felt so heavy as she didn't want to attend the vocal lesson, she used to go there with Onew, they used to have a lot of fun there, she clenched her fist trying to get strenght, her dongsaeng placed a kind hand on her shoulder, which she naturally shook off.

    Suddenly her phone rang, the two girls stopped on their tracks, the older one looked at the screen and saw 'my babe'. It was Onew. She leaned on the wall and sighed. Seungyeon was reluctant, she knew once the boy would hang up she would miss him more.

    She gave out one more sigh then finally decided to pick it up " Hello ? "

    " Babe, it's me " her hands were trembling, tears were gathering on her eyes already, she tried to move her lips but her voice wouldn't come out.

    " I miss you " with his chocolate voice.


    " Comeback now.... please " Seungyeon managed to whisper, her tears were now flowing down, Jiyoung was looking at her unnie, who from the day Onew left was suffering as hell, she helped her whiping her tears.

    " I can't, you know, 2 years are nothing babe.. "

    " I'll end up with another guy "

    " I don't think so, you love me too much " Onew grinned, a grinned that made her heart ache, a grin that was hiding his deep sadness. Even though he was sure that his relationship with Seungyeon was strong enough to fight everything, distance as well, it was still hard for him being away from her.


    He wanted to say more. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her too, how he didn't wanted her to look, talk and interact with other guys, and most of all he wanted to ask her to wait for him, but his tears were falling down, he didn't want her to hear him crying, he didn't want his girl to worry for him. He had to be strong. He had to keep everything for him.

    " Your so cruel.. " after saying that Seungyeon hung up, it was true, she loved him, but she felt like her love was being taken for granted, she was suffering too much. The girl couldn't know about Onew's true feelings, she didn't know that their situation was hard not just for her but for him as well.

    " I thought our love could win it all, I was wrong " the girl threw her phone on the floor, she then wrapped her dongsaeng in her arm and cried her heart out.

    " Unnie, calm down, please, " Jiyoung was feelins sorry towards her unnie " what should I do ? " she thought, as much as she wanted to help her, she didn't know how to. She just hugged her tightly to let her vent her sadness, her anger.

    After 10 minutes Seungyeon finally calmed herself, she let go of Jiyoung and whiped her tears with her hands." Baby Jing, " She looked at the younger girl with her puffy eyes " Promise me that when you'll find someone you love you won't ever let him go.. " Jiyoung didn't understand the real meaning of those words but she nodded not wanting to ask many question.



    It was 3 a.m. Seungyeon was trying to sleep for 4hours already, but her eyes weren't willing to close. She passed the time reading Onew's past messages, all those she saved as their remembrance. The girl started to look for their pictures too, they were all in a big box under her bed, the two of them really liked taking picture wherever they went " We can stop the time like this " used to tell her the boy, sadness and happiness were filling her heart again, tears were gathering on her eyes already, when suddenly her phone rang.

    She stood up then took it from the desk " Minho wassup ? " Seungyeon picked it up trying to hide her sadness,

    " Noona, are you still awake ? " the boy asked surprised because of the late hour,

    " I'm talking with you.. So I guess I'm still awake " a cynical tone was in her voice,

    " Thinking about Onew hyung again huh ? " she kept quiet, the answer was obvious, he laughed mischievously,

    " did you eat ? " the girl suddenly asked not wanting to talk about her boy,

    " changing topic huh ? " Minho laughed again, not hearing a response from the girl he calmed himself, he cleared his throat " Noona it's been so long already.... " the boy was referring to the time he has been waiting for Hara's response, for her forgiveness,

    " You have to be more patient, kid " she paused " She loves you, but she's hurt, even if she decides to come back with you, it won't mean she'll trust you again, it's all your fault "

    " Yahhh I called you to comfort me " the boy shouted pretending to be angry, the girl giggled " but I don't want to comfort you ",

    " The other day I walked Nicole home "

    " bringing up Nicole now ? " she heard him pouting, Seungyeon laughed out loud this time " Why am I sure your feelings for Nicole didn't change ? "

    " Mmhh "

    " and.... I think that if she was your girlfriend you would have never betrayed her like you did with Hara " another powerful laugh came from her mouth,

    " Noona ! don't try to joke about this in front of Hara, she might believe it " Minho complained,

    " But I'm not kidding " she has always enjoyed teasing her dongsaeng,


    " Kid.... thanks I needed some laugh but I'm sleepy now ",

    " You always make fun of me noona " he pouted cutely, " Good night and thanks for the time ".

    When you're going through a hard time even a simple conversation with a close friend can help you. Both Seungyeon and Minho needed someone to talk with, someone to cheer them up, and with that short phone call, they could finally sleep with a smile on their faces.



    Nicole was about to pass by the school entrance, she just got off from her so called " boyfriend " bike.

    Since they started to "date", Kyuhyun has picked her up at home every morning. Even if she would have never addmitted it, the girl liked it a lot since she was able to sleep more without worrying to be late.

    Almost 2 weeks passed from the morning she bumped into him and had to be his girl, during those days she had to accomplish all of his wishes, doing his homework, cleaning his house, shopping.

    She was a strong girl so she could still deal with it, she was ready to do anything to take back her diary. The hardest part was keeping everything from her friends. Nicole wasn't really good in lying, she was feeling so guilty and that was the only reason why sometimes she felt like giving up.

    She looked at the school building and gave out a deep sigh as if she was getting herself ready for a new hard day. Someone hit her arm with a book. The girl looked back.

    It was Jonghyun. He beckoned her to follow him. They walked towards the bench " I saw you " the boy firmly said stopping on his tracks. She was startled, she knew that day could have come, the day that everything could be reveiled, but she wasn't ready.


    She was still hoping that her friend wasn't referring to what she was thinking. His gaze was making her feel more and more nervous, she fell down on the bench as if she couldn't take the burden anymore,

    " what's happening with Kyuhyun ? "

    There it was the final question, the one she couldn't avoid anymore, she calm herself counting up to 10 then finally found the courage to speak up herself.

    Nicole told him everything : the encounter, the threat, the hardships and slowly the burden she felt all this time was fading away.

    Jonghyun was standing in front of her listening carefully to her words.

    " please don't tell them about this " she ended her speech.

    " If I wanted to, I would have already told them " a bright smile appeared on her face, he ran his hand through his hair acting cool as he was used to then gave out mischievous smirk.

    " You don't have to worry anymore, I'll talk to him " Nicole jumped on him then shook the boy holding his arms, the bright smile turned into a worried almost scared expression " NO! I'll take care of it " her voice was trembling, Jonghyun was startled then cupped her face " Ok, but don't keep anything from me huh ? "



    Jiyoung just closed her locker , when someone patted her shoulder, she turned her face. Taemin was in front of her.

    " Kang Jiyoung right ? " the boy tilted his head to see her face better, the girl bowed politely,

    " Whoaa you're growing pretty " hearing those words coming from him made her heart skipping, she put her hand on her chest as if she was trying to stop it. Not wanting him to notice her nervousness she then forced a smile making him smile back.


    " By the way.... where did you buy this bag ? " Jiyoung looked where he was pointing " In a shop near my house " she said surprised for the sudden question, the boy pouted then crossed his arms.

    " It's the perfect gift for my girlfriend " she narrowed her eyes, he leaned his back on the wall then put his hand under his chin " may I walk you home ? I'd really like to buy it "

    The time stopped.

    Taemin was asking her to walk her home, she dreamed about it million of times, but now that it was happening she felt the urge to reject. Helping him with the gift for his girl wasn't really in the list of things she wanted to do with the boy. Though looking at his smiling eyes, made her nodded unconsciously. As long as she could spend some time with him, it was fine with her.

    From the school 'till the shop near her house they didn't talk much. Even though he was SHINee's maknae, he had never been in comunication with Kara girls like his hyungs. He just looked so different from the others, he has never been involved in those groups rivalry, competition and fightings of their school. He has always been on his own, practicing dancing, his passion. That was one of the reason why Jiyoung liked him so much.

    " Thank you " Taemin held out his hand but Jiyoung just bowed, then turned and faced her home's gate, she opened it and said the last good bye to him.

    " Do you want an ice cream ? " he suddenly said, the girl turned her face and smiled. She loved ice cream.

    " I 'll buy you one to thank you " the boy added, she nodded and walked back to him.

    They were sitting on a bench holding their ice cream. " If your boyfriend saw us here he would get jealous, don't you think so ? "

    Jiyoung rolled her eyes " But I don't have one " she mumbled,

    " really ? " Taemin shouted surprised, the girl on the other side was startled by his overreaction, then nodded, he restrained himself then licked his ice-cream


    " If I wasn't taken I'd date you " the boy mumbled by himself, " What ? " she asked dumbfounded,

    " Nothing " and a shy smile appeared on his face.


    Jiyoung was lying on her bed, she couldn't sleep, she couldn't stop thinking of Taemin and her together. She could still feel her face blushing.

    " I think.... from now on we'll meet often at school " he said right before they parted.

    She was spazzing over again and giggling by herself. She was still so young, pure and innocent. Her heart would always change so easily. When she found out that he was dating someone she cried for days and decided to give up on him, but after that afternoon, she just forgot everything.

    On the other side there was another girl who couldn't sleep but unlike Jiyoung, Nicole wasn't happy and excited, she was mad.

    ' You're mine now ' those words were popping out continiously on her head. It felt like a nightmare. Though having Jonghyun by her side made her feel a bit better. She wasn't alone anymore. She could lean on someone. Especially now that the situation was going to have a big change. Someone was getting information about her, taking picture of her, following her everywhere. AND.. what she feared the most was going to happen. Good and bad surprise were going to come out soon.


    MISTAKES may be found PATIENCE is required | CRITICISM & COMMENT are appreciated,

    NO BASHING intended..

  11. [CHAPTER 1]


    Nicole went downstairs, took her donut then quickly hugged her mother.

    " Nicole ! You're late "

    " I know mommy ! I'm running ! "

    As usual she slept too much and now she was risking a scolding by her teacher.

    When she arrived at the school entrance she stopped dead tired then started to run right after thinking about reaching her class in time but suddenly *BUMP*

    " Sorry ! " Nicole bowed, her eyes widened seeing who was the person in front of her, Cho Kyuhyun.

    " Effort doesn't betray you.. " he read picking up the notebook fell from Nicole's arm.

    " It's a motto " she explained picking up the other books on the floor.

    " Yours ? " she nodded trying not to meet his eyes, he was a guy who could easily make someone feel nervous.

    " Has effort ever betrayed you ? "

    " If it ever did.... that means I didn

  12. STARTED : 10.10.11 CHAPTER : 1- ( ? )

    It all started with Nicole's Motto..

    Cole : Effort doesn't betray you

    Interviewer : Has it ever betray you ?

    Cole : If it ever did It means I didn't put in enough effort


    True love waits..



    and Sacrifices..

    But Sometimes,

    no matter how True Love is,

    it will come to a point where It'll get tired if It's taken for..




    Strong feelings, Love Triangles, Broken Hearts, Secrets, Surprises and Happy endings.

    To love and be loved it needs Effort..




    [HYUKRi + Kyuhyun]

    A secret....

    will it put an end to us ??

    [ONYEON + Leeteuk]

    The perfect couple made of sweetness and perfection had to part.

    Because of his sick grandpa Onew had to go to the U.S., Seungyeon is left in Seoul.

    As long as someone's love is strong, distance doesn't matter????

    [MINRA + Dojoon]

    Finding Minho with another girl was a shock for Hara.

    Her heart told her to forgive him, but her head didn't allowed her to.

    [Nicole + Kyuhyun + Jonghyun + Jay]

    Too many friends too many boys -- just one will be able to get into her heart..

    [TAEJING + Krystal]

    A first love who unknowingly broke her heart, a first love that isn't willing to fade away, a first love for whom she'll do anything..


    - English is NOT my first language

    - ex-cast Nicole|Hyun Joong (SS501 leader), Gyuri|Hyuk, Ham|Onew, Hara|Thunder, Jiyoung|Leeteuk.

    MISTAKES may be found PATIENCE is required, CRITICISM & COMMENT are appreciated, NO BASHING intended..

    CR: jung nicole / Loveunexpectedly.. I'm Aika, Ika here + firstabtype / Karaddicted family

  13. Finally "Don't forget" has been updated, wahh thanks, short but still thanks, since I thought you dropped it hee hee.. I'm reading Purple butterfly too and wahhh, love them both XD