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About KARAddicted.01

  • Birthday 12/21/1990

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    Rome, Italy .. Philippines ..

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Kamilia (7/10)



  1. Oh my.. that 'former'.... but I guess we have to accept it. Anyway, I'm so happy for Nicole. She's having her time. She looks happy and she keeps on updating us. Can't wait for her return.
  2. Well.. nothing surprising. I do believe that Damaged Lady is really a good song and it had a good concept which the girls made work perfectly but most of all, Kara as performers are freaking amazing. They're always so energitic and charismatic on state. Loved their performance tonight.
  3. hello!!happy birthday!! xD

    1. KARAddicted.01


      Hello! :)

      And thanks a lot ^^

  4. ....................................................................waiting
  5. The girls looked particularly hyper, especially Hara during the end.. can't wait for fancams XD
  6. Yes, Nicole will perform, she just wasn't there for practice like Seunga and Puretty girls (Somin and Chaekyung?) took their spots.. ^^
  7. Kara shines the best when there's the 5 of them whether it's on stage or on variety shows where they're more comfortable and they know they have each other's back to rely on. That's why I strongly believe that if they appeared as 5 on Radio Star, there wouldn't have been any 'drama'. Even if I prefer group activities, after "Kara Solo Collection" I started longing for solo activities, not in drama, pictorials, shows ecc but as solo artist. That solo collection was flawless, it showed the different talents, colours and artistry of these five amazing girls. That solo collection deserved to be promoted better, though I know it was more for the fans but still... I'd like to see more of rockstar Hammie. Or even our Jing and her guitar or Jing and running around in her uniform as she sings Hey Hey Hey. Why do other groups has members going solo but Kara can't? Is it because of money DSP because promotional activities need money? Heck, how much money you get from Kara.... Done with my rant.. *sorry*
  8. Wow, showing the changes through the years.... it reminds me once again why I started loving Kara, why Kara is the only group I really love and truly follow and support. Their hardwork through the years, it's just amazing. DSP won't be the smallest company but they're not big either and think that Kara became this big is amazing. Still one of the top group in Korea who has a solid fandom, sell albums and can hold a concert not only with 2-3k people (talking about concert, I wish for K-Kamilia to get their own 2nd Karasia Seoul).. And still the #1 Kpop girlgroup in Japan same with solid fandom, selling singles, albums, best albums and holding a successful/emotional tour.
  9. I thanked you on the other thread but I will thank you again for such a detailed work, it must take a lot of time and effort ^^
  10. Really great job and thank you for all of this.. ^^ This should be shoved to those people's faces when they say that Kara do nothing in Korea.... They got endorsements, pictorials, concert appearances, shows appearances, MCing and a lot of other things not only as a group but as individuals as well.
  11. UMJ has been doing this for awhile, milking Kamilia and KARA's selling power like there's no tomorrow.... Put aside the fact that sales in general for girlgroups are declining.... (and this great 'an expensive release after another' marketing strategy, which I wouldn't even want to call strategy).... THERE'S NO PROMOTION AND NO EVENT.. unless you consider their performance on Karasia, Sukkiri and a bus going around a good promotion.. like are we taking the SJJD path with all the lack of activities? Just to look at it positively, at least the girls are resting.... or preparing for festival, end year special stages.. AND French Kiss is still selling in its own way proving how solid the fandom and Kara's selling power are.
  12. How much I wish DSP would go all out and organize it perfectly? That'd be too much to ask though There should be collaboration stages between older and newer artist, or more tribute to older groups' successful songs.. maybe it was hard since current idols were busy and the older ones just confirmed it.. It'd be a good opportunity for upcoming DSP artist.. Puretty? Park Siblings? To be introduced.. Well, I'll still look forward to it ^^
  13. So is this going to air in December or what? I really thought that the best would've been airing this during their comeback.. but whatever, can't wait for this ^^
  14. Last day of KARASIA2013.. Hara talked about working hard for another KARASIA next year, but for me the question wasn't about having another concert, another tour but how many members there will be 5, 4 or 3? I said that I wouldn't think about it until January though I can't help but wonder what is going to happen. No, actually I already got an idea since it seems pretty much decided from Nicole/Nicole's mom side that what they want is a contract with another company for her solo activities and a group one for Kara. If DSP agrees then KARA5 is still possible, if not...... If DSP can't manage her solo activities, if they find it hard to get her anything (which honestly I find it hard to believe) then why don't they just let her sign that solo contract with another company? That'd mean still having Kara as 5 which is the best scenario, for them, for fans and for profit. Or what if it's not DSP not being able to give her solo activities but the other side not wanting anything from the company but to leave? The other side has a lot of connections, they must have something planned (a company to sign to) already. And for other side, I don't mean Nicole as well.