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About KaraStepup

  • Birthday 10/28/1993

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  • Location
    California :D
  • Interests
    Basketball, Music (J-Pop and Kara), Anime.

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  1. Hi,

    Our 3rd meeting will be taking place on Sunday at 2pm UTC as usual. The new meeting place is here



  2. hey so i just saw this unfortunately but oh my gosh i definitely think thi si possible. i can doa lot of things just let me know what you need me to do and/ i'[ll do it
  3. lool kara is the best and will always be the best. their song ah ha in the revolution album is old but it is freakin catchy and i will never forget it.
  4. hey sup! sorry for the late reply! i'm actually a uploader. i was going to get them to change it but i guess it's ok cuz i do speak mandarin and i am fluent in it, so i do help out with the mandarin subs sometimes i guess .___. honestly ihavent been very active at all recently cuz i've been so busy but yeah ...

  5. Hi! Thanks for the diary! It was a fun read both heartening and supportive too. You are a sweet mel subber? What language do you sub? I read that you are planning to get new headphones. Why not try the one Kara have wear in their studio recording. You can find it in forum here. It is a brand called "equation audio" from my memories here.

  6. (Sorry for the late reply) Aw, thank you again. So, I've posted something on that link you sent me. Hopefully I'm doing it right xD

  7. Sorry for such a late reply, I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to use internet barely at all >_< I'm planning to use the journal more in the future tho, I just hope school wont take all of my time :<

  8. wheres my texttt. and aww that's unfortunate :( are you on the way for me to LA? maybe i'll stop by :D

  9. Aiya! Change of plans. My parents says going would cost alot so were not going anymore. >.>

  10. okie ^-^ thanks~ hope to hear from you soon:P

  11. Rofl alright~ I'll save it on my iPod and delete that comment cause you might get prank called? I'll probably text you by maybe today's end? I need to pay for my phone.

  12. Cool! I'mma be in Santa Ana then I'll be shopping in Chinatown, Little Saigon, then maybe K-Town too! My family is going! Lol