lol her singing was hilarious! I'm 99% sure she was purposely singing slightly off tune. If you noticed there's the others were looking annoyed except nana because she's supposed to be singing 'horribly'. If she was singing well, I'm sure Minho wouldn't have looked so irritated (maybe even comment that the only thing she knows how to do is sing lol). Even if this is her "fake" singing, I think it still sounded very nice
BUT i don't like her doing that scene because I feel like people are just gonna rip on her again and say "oh look! that girl sings so bad!" Even on viki, people were already doing that. Someone said "I guess KARA helped her out [to get the acting part]". So freakin rude. They're lucky that hara is such a kind person that she accepts whatever criticism she gets
lol you should edit that to make it say something about hara haters btw, that part was awesome