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  1. [SHOW] 100718 - Haha Mong - KARA (Part 2) - TV Shows & Interviews - Karaholic Forums - International KARA (카라) District for Kamilia Dead link or nothing shows at all.
  2. I don't think this is working anymore unfortunately.
  3. [TV Show] [2010.11.29] TBS Tokyo Friend Park 2 - Kara Cut - 2010 Videos - Karaholic Forums - International KARA (카라) District for Kamilia All of the links here are dead.
  4. She really is amazing to look at. Face sculpted by an amazing artist.
  5. Everyone's reaction to her "Goddess of Beauty" was always funny.
  6. Those photos of her from that show make her eyes look HUGE. Still cute though.
  7. Wow her makeup style really makes her look a little different. Like, not able to recognise at first different.
  8. Aww I miss this show One of the better ones.