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  1. Very day, it seems like she is getting cuter. Hara is growing up into a beautiful woman.
  2. haha ! hara's so cute in that pictures ! i dunno why, but for me she looks very adorable!
  3. yeah i see she does that quite often. which is adorable!
  4. every single pic made me squeal while i scrolled down the page this is oh em gee man fainted, got up looked at the computer screen and fainted again super cute!!
  5. omg, really pure and innocent. goddess of purity is a really a title that suits her looks like an angel !
  6. her pure and pale face is really suitable in white color.. i like the second last picture..she really looks like an angel! she is so pretty!^^ Gyuri jjang!
  7. i love how when Nicole smiles her eyes almost go like this ^^
  8. Thanks for sharing!! Jiyoung so cute when she laughs!!
  9. aww what a happy Jing! she's so cute when she laughs~ you can't see her eyes anymore LOL
  10. Lolx Nicole is so adorable!! whatever she does she juz looks as pretti n cute as always
  11. why are they all so cute when they do the most random things! i love it! thanks for sharing!
  12. Aweee~ That's really cute. Her hair is the best when it's long and wavy, then she looks really sexy. ANyways, she looks pretty no matter what she does
  13. Omg....Nicole is so cuteee..... Lol I can't imagine if I meet her... I think I'm gonna faint... Hahahaahhaha..... Thanks for sharing the picture.... Greeaat jjoobbb..
  14. omoo are there more pictures to this collection? its nice to see nicole in the past. ^^