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  2. She's been excellent. Happy to be celebrating her 10 years. She stands out in kara, she reminds me of a member of a dongsaeng band like red velvet or something like that, but this isn't a bad thing. Kara always had their own distinct presence among kpop, but having a member that reflects some of those more popular trends isn't a bad thing. And I don't just mean looks. Besides, she truly is a fun, beautiful and charming woman with a great and lovable voice.
  3. Would have to be Seungyeon. I get the vibe she likes things that I like. She's also just super sweet and the ultimate dork. But kara are like my one allowance for being in a polycule
  4. I agree 100%. But she looks nice whatever she chooses to do. I really liked her slightly tanned as well. I thought it looked so good on her.
  5. Gyuri without makeup is so cute. Gyuri with makeup is cute! She is just always so adorable.
  6. Buf the girls can't be stopped from doing what they love. And I love them in return as deeply as always.
  7. Also since all of them are with different management
  8. And also in general that they kept going after the when I move album. I really feared they would only reunite for the anniversary.
  9. Yess for sure. I am so happy the decided to do this.
  10. Agreed even though I really loved her damaged lady look as well
  11. I was surprised that she didn't get casted in a lot of talking oriented variety shows. She is so well spoken and funny!
  12. She is so witty. She would do great on any program.
  13. Sadly I can't upload more because of server error 😕
  14. I really like how she captured the vibe of I do I do with all the pics she uploaded
  15. I hope she invites Nicole and Jiyoung next
  16. She for sure has all the potential for beeing a very entertaining mc!!
  17. Probably just ranting but I am curious how Gyuris new YT channel will develop.
  18. I do hope that she rests too though. Her health hasn't been the best lately and I hope she eats well!
  19. Gyuri looks so happy I am glad they were able to hang out a lot this year!
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