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  1. When I read this, my first thought were among the same sentiments posted here- Hara seems very sexy and mature onstage and while performing, but offstage (on variety shows and interview shows) she still seems like a very young girl, especially her antics!
  2. Funny, when SNSD came out, I thought they were just a Morning Musume copycats.Only after I liked KARA then I gave SNSD a chance, now I love them so much, too!

  3. More recent J-pop I like are like ARASHI, Shakalabbits, AAA and Utada Hikaru. I really liked Morning Musume til about their 6th "Generation".

  4. As for me, I've listened to J-pop since about 1994, so most of the artitst i love are older, Nishida Hikaru, Princess Princess, Chisato Moritaka, Momoe Yamaguchi, Yumi Matsutoya, CoCo and Ribbon and ZARD. I liked SPEED, too, but I was mostly a fan of their singles and never bought any albums.

  5. I hadn't heard of Norazo or Epik High before, so I checked out some of their stuff on youtube! Very different from KARA, very rocking!

  6. So Jiyoung's cousin is a singer,too! Wow, I'm still getting used to the idea that babe Krystal (from f(x)) is Jessica (SNSD)' sister! Seems like a lot of family members are in the business!

  7. For most of the K-pop Groups Japanese releases, I order them through CD Japan. The new T-ARA CD is coming out next month, their first all-japanese version of their older songs. And as you say, they are not cheap! I paid 80.00 for the new T-ARA! But the bonus goodies are awesome

  8. Hey Palaverist~

    I got most of my K-Pop releases from a dealer in Seoul through ebay's online stores.The great thing about getting it fromt he source is that a lot of the CDs still had the first pressing bonus goodies like posters and trading cards, SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!

  9. I realised that you have the complete collection of Kara Korean cds.^^ How do you do that? Does it take long?

  10. Yep it sure is a great time for KPOP now. Things was quiet then but now there are so many kpop groups in Japan. And they sang in Japanese! I am impressed.

    T-ARA Japan Release? They released a new album? Wow your collection now is growing so quick!^^ The Japanese one also does not come cheap. I got to admit that Japanese cd prints are of excellent quality.

  11. The other kpop things I like is the group "Norazo" and "Epik High". Their old groups but I like them.

    As for Jpop I have lost touch with them after I knew Kara. I listened to the group "SPEED" and "High and mighty color".

    What about you? What Jpop and kpop artise do you like and listened to?

  12. Well. I mostly like KARA haha. That is obvious enough. xD The other kpop artise I like is "NS Yoonji". I guess it is because she is the older cousin of one of the Kara member here Ji Young. I like her songs especially her recent comeback "witch". She really look like her cousin Ji Young. An older and matured version of Ji Young.

  13. Yep Gekidan Hitori! Got to love that guy.^^ He is such a superfan. I heard his wife is OK with him being a fan haha. He made KARA big in Japan. Things was so peaceful then when they Kara just began in Japan. I believe even before Gekidan was there Kara was quite known in Japan eventhough it is not as big as now.