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About xxelocinxx

  • Birthday 09/23/1988

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  1. Happy 4th Anniversary, KARAHOLIC! You guys are seriously awesome..Thanks for always giving ur best, KH staffs! And also to all Kamilias around the world that would also like to share many things.. Let's fulfill KH's goal together..^^
  2. It's hard to choose since I love almost all their hit songs. But, I'll choose Lupin because I already like the song from the 1st time I listened to it. I love the choreography and outfit (eventhough my friend said it weird) And I love Cole's hairstyle during that time..hehe
  3. Hi, shuhada..I sent you a message. Pls pm me in case u didn't get any message. Thanks.. =)

  4. Erm..ask them whether they learn any Malay word? And don't forget to ask especially to Nicole, what's her fav Malaysian food or maybe what they want to eat in Malaysia.hehe Owh, by the way, I'm so jealous with you. I'm still struggling to get ticket near to the stage,though!uhu
  5. hello! i updated for tomorrow! ^^

  6. Thanks a lot for the compilations. Really appreciate it! U're the best! Here, I got a flower for you..hehe
  7. the love triangle fanfic's 2nd part has been updated. so sorry its super late :(

  8. Scandal's up! =] Not really a new update but just the last part of the last update.

  9. Thanks wish birthday aritu.. =)

  10. Thanks for ur wish..^_^

  11. Thanks for ur wish.. ^_^

  12. happy birthday nicole!

  13. Wow! Daebak! KARA is really popular in Japan..So happy for them! Hope they will become more popular in other country too. KARA fighting!!
  14. rosedust is updated! =]