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About Pinkpanda

  • Birthday October 16

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    Anything as long as its fun!

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  1. My cori and jingy.. :(

  2. Staying silent is not always the right thing to do.

  3. Sleep in my arms baby jing :>

  4. I'm Falling in love with you.

  5. This is absolute true, 1st blooming is really awesome and many people wondered why it failed.. Including me. lol.
  6. Rainbow is so underrated, i hope they would be more famous!! they're definitely a very very good group!

  7. Tux and Beautiful Faces.

    1. Palaverist


      The word tux also means "penguin" hehe. A black penguin that looks like it wears a suit. Yeah beautiful penguin girls

  8. But what worries me is "FULL ALBUM" will they be able to make good songs in a month? =3=.. really worried since they focus too much in japan these past few months i wonder hows the quality of the korean album -3-
  9. THIS I LIKE! HANDSOME KARA! A concept that's not "Cute" definitely suits KARA more. Group nowadays focuses too much on being cute. Plus Korean Full Abum! Nice Move KARA!
  10. Lets' make this a good place. -3--

  11. I want to see a rocker Jing like (Seungyeon in guility) o3o that would be daebak.