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Tomolo last won the day on November 6 2014

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About Tomolo

  • Birthday 08/05/1991

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  1. hi Tom!

    1. Tomolo


      Hi T.T Thank you for stopping by!

  2. i am hunting you are the photobox now Tom! damn wish I spend the 2014 with you T_T

    1. Tomolo


      hello, sorry it's been too long. The photobox?~ I am a proud owner of a decent collection indeed. There was no content I could pass by during my most active Kamilia days. Hope You're doing great! Take care. Hope to chat one day!

  3. I might have forgotten that Hara starred in this drama. Actually it was Park Min Young who made me watch this drama. Right after re-watching Healer I went for the CH(: There are few similarities between these two. Loved both and got equally emotional. Felt a little bit regretful, bittersweet about the ending though. Hara did truly fine acting debut in here(; Glad she made it to act in a such memorable drama.
  4. Thanks for sharing the Vevo links!! Sorry I am currently to overwhelmed with this to write anything else atm She's totally SLAYING!
  5. Handsome Jing here You go(: Everyone going crazy^^ I can't wait for the movie :3 One thing that Jiyoung looks incredibly well as a tomboy lol Best from all KARA babies, second of all it might turn into a pretty decent movie in general. Hope it's well taken^^ Strong role, story indeed.
  6. Can anyone tell me what is this about? Our baby Jing making solo debut?
  7. still around in karaholic?

    1. Tomolo


      sorry for answering so late :/ well not really~ things might change.

    2. Palaverist


      alright. do keep in touch

    3. Palaverist


      I don't expect thing to stay the same too. everything is changing. sigh.. I had not even get started on some things yet!

  8. Hello y'all~! Long time not posting in here SMEXY Cole for ya!
  9. Sorry but.. I DIED Too sexy Hara it's illegal!! Highly offensive
  10. I've heard a rumour about Youngji's 11 ABS and as I see on the last photo it seem true(: 0G doing pilates? And I recall she went for horse riding with Hara too?
  11. wah! its in 720p. thanks for sharing Eliza(: good job! And Cole slay(: Seen only 2 cuts yet. That foreigner only came to Nicole lol
  12. Nicole is in partnership with venture capital, to advance to the Japanese entertainment market. has invested $ 900,000 in . Nicole plans to full-scale entry into the Japanese market in May. cr: cr for sharing: ournikori thanks mae!
  13. The second video is how I imagined Hara there. So there was someone even faster and it wasn't Bora later on?