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  1. I chose Gyuri. I think finding a quiet cafe and just talking would be nice, or maybe a walk down the Han river (assuming we are in Seoul) if the weather is nice.
  2. no need to pretend! She is sexy without even trying.
  3. I was watching their When I Move teasers and went "Dang who it THAT???" when I got to Gyuri's and Seungyeon's. I immediately had to investigate.
  4. This Coffee Price parody was so funny lol. That wig on her was hilarious.
  5. Honestly for me Gyuri is one of those women who cannot pass as a guy no matter how hard she tries, especially nowadays 😂 She just has too feminine of a face lol
  6. She always looks so good with wavy hair. Was a little sad when she was in her straight hair era for Mamma Mia and Cupid.
  7. These two are so cute! I love her look in these too @~@
  8. She initially caught my eye because of her insane beauty, but now I love her for so many more reasons! I love her unique vocal timbre and her stage presence. She is also a great and caring leader and always tries her best to represent KARA positively.
  9. Gyuri is probably one of the few people who could pull of the Goddess concept without seeming snobby. It is also refreshing to see someone confident in their looks as opposed to the often super humble approach.