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reddumpling last won the day on November 26 2013

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About reddumpling

  • Birthday 07/27/1991

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  1. Really loved this song! The PV was amazing as well.
  2. Man, I really want to have this but I dont have the money to drop for this atm... That being said, I went to the site OP linked, disc 7 and 8 are described to have all the fan meetings live footage, off shot, and making of footage which are included in the previous JP released 1st press singles and albums, further details tbc.
  3. Hello! Thank you OP for compiling all these! I have contributed a photo for the fan section!
  4. An end to an amazing era.. But its like, I feel sad, but numb.. Must be me not knowing how to handle such moments even when it is long anticipated. #thankyoukara Will continue to listen to all the discography released, and reminisce on times past. Hope that they will do well in the future and wish them all the best.
  5. Now I know why the release was so soon. Usually it is released on feb/mar of the following year. :/
  6. I was really appalled when I read the news.. I do follow Ladies' Code's live performances from time to time when they have comebacks and it hurts me to know that such a young talent in EunB has passed on. I am just speechless when I got this information and also equally speechless when I saw how people bought Ladies' Code's song and pushed it to #1 on many real time Korea charts. I hope Zuny and Ashley will gain strength from all the support from everyone, Sojung to have a successful surgery, and Rise to wake up soon. RIP EunB
  7. I cannot wait for this to come out though. I can imagine Jing's mischievious smile as she pranks on other people.. xD
  8. My fav part of Hammie in 1theK ask in a box
  9. Has anybody did the line event for the number of butterflies in mama mia korean mv?