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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2013 in all areas

  1. "2. [+410, -96] Hara-ya, wake up. You're an idol. And one that was at the top of the trend at that. Until when are you going to be shackled down by your men problems? Tsk tsk, not even one or two times but three times already... I gave up as your fan a long time ago because of the stress but why pass the stress on to your remaining fans now? Look at reality... While all your rival idols are now in leading drama roles and doing well, your two year relationship did nothing but lose all of your fans. KARA's popularity isn't what it used to be as well... For someone who suffered to get to where you are now, why can't you manage yourself better? I really don't understand what you're thinking sometimes..." Excuse me???!!! Who are you to "lecture" on someone's life when you should be worrying about your own! And the fact that you seem to have let her life, someone you don't personally know, affect your's then it means you have some serious personal issues you need to deal with first. People these days.
    2 points
  2. KARA went to the Tokyo Dome City LaQua Garden for a commemorative event of the new song which was released on the 24th by the awesome five members girl group from Korea, "Thank You Summer Love." They invite 390 people to Chinami set which was selected from among 10,000 applicants. 5 people were greeted with cheers among the pouring rain which has debuted with a new song and in white lively mini skirts. This day is also the birthday of 25 year old Seungyeon. A cake was carried inside as a surprise. Fan and members sang a birthday song. It was soon called the "First birthday in Japan." Original Article : http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/music/2026960/full/ Translation (Jap-Eng) : Chiaro @ KARAHOLIC
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. @edr49890, now who's naughty? hehe, but seriously never seen her wear anything lyk this when not perform..
    1 point
  5. this is a perfect Description of TRYING HARD NEWSEN
    1 point
  6. cant stop laughing xDDD maybe i'll ship them LOL ~
    1 point
  7. ^^^ OMg that shirt.... sorry but, do you have more ? I NEED MOARRRR XD
    1 point
  8. suspicious, suspicious ..what is she doing in Japan, comeback late to Korea? KangJiYoung r u really dating someone now? like Japs guy? wooohooo..suspicious, suspicious **wooottt Jing ur clothes like ...(can see rite through it)
    1 point
  9. I'm amazed at how these people's minds works, seriously these kids need to get a life and stop poking their nose on others' life , this is soo frustrating And its her life ... she can go out/ date whoever and whenever she wants .. she doesnt need your approval ~ =============================================================================================================== Kim Young Kwang Says His Mother was Interested in His Kiss with Kara′s Goo Hara Of course fans would be curious about Kim Young Kwang and his kiss scenes, but there′s another person that cares a lot about Kim Young Kwang′s costars: his mother. In a recent shoot for KBS2′s Happy Together 3, Kim Young Kwang said, "After I left modeling to start acting, my mother′s started to brag about me more." He said, "My mother even slips a picture of me in her bag whenever she goes to church. She′s especially interested in my costars. She always asks things like, ′Was she kind? What does he do?′" He then added, "I shot a kiss scene with Goo Hara recently, and she came across it and started asking, ′Did you really do it? Did your lips really meet? How was it?′ source : http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/42359
    1 point
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  11. New member today! KAMILIA HWAITING! JIYOUNG 4EVA!
    1 point
  12. Here are some gifs I made from Thank You Summer Love (Seungyeon Ver.) MV
    1 point
  13. aaah! i should've choose nicole..! eh should i just choose jiyoung? seungyeon? hara? gyuri? well then.. i'll choose them all!!
    1 point
  14. https://twitter.com/_aechak/status/362471840502927360/photo/1
    1 point
  15. arrghhh..downloading pandora showcase n its taking forever..n am super miss cute BabyJing, wanna share her cuteness overloads..gonna watch dis til finish dwlding, n nice bgm song btw
    1 point
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  17. [instagram] JiNi Playing BTS of TYSL PV Filming Larger Image
    1 point
  18. KARA's Nicole and Jiyoung look like playful cartoon characters The KARA members have been treating their fans to a countless amount of pictures lately, and two of their most recent selcas have fans going wild. On July 24, Nicole instagrammed two adorable pictures of Jiyoung and herself with the caption, "Pigtails JY," and "<3." The girls playfully posed in their pictures, showing off their unique hairstyles. Jiyoung tied her hair into pigtails, while Nicole sported a big pink bow. Their aegyo-filled expressions and poses got fans talking. They left comments like, "Nicole is a pink princess," "Congratulations on your 5th anniversary," and "Nicole looks good as a blonde." ENGLISH ARTICLE http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/07/karas-nicole-and-jiyoung-look-like-playful-cartoon-characters
    1 point
  19. [c]steprider001 If there is a dead link, please notify us on the Streambox Request Thread! http://www.karaholic.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14436
    1 point